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Checking in the weapon.

Posted on Mon Jul 27th, 2015 @ 7:09am by Lieutenant Mickey McClane & Commander Bertrand Cuprum

Mission: Shoreleave and Repairs
Location: Commander Bertrand's office.

Mickey and Aladdin were going to the holodeck. He decided to shut off the blocker. He was going to turn it in to Bertrand, but also at the same time get the weapon checked in. They took a slight detour, as the holodeck was on the commander's deck, he had to make sure that it got check in at the same time he didn't want an unlicensed firearm go UN-noticed. Mickey then looked at Aladdin keeping his thoughts in check, as the machine in his hand was turned off and the first thing he was going to do was turn it in, Bertrand was going to have a field day with it. But, hopefully he will be OK with logging in his new weapon.

They turned the corner as they stopped a moment, Aladdin had his keen doggy senses kicked in. "Mickey, he's outside waiting for us and expecting us too, though it won't be pretty but he knows about your new toy so best we get it readied" Aladdin said nicely as they made it to his door.

Mickey was going to knock on the door, but instead he wasn't. "Well, he always knows everything so let's just walk in and go log this in" Mickey said as he walked in the security room with the commander giving a look at mickey.

Bertrand was indeed standing at the door waiting, though his expression was not one of anger.

"Mister Michael McClane," he began in his usual stern way, using the full name like a parent might. "Recently released from home arrest for attempted suicide. What is the first thing he does? Constructs a Phaser and fires it off in his room. If I hadn't had the warning that you were up to something because you switched on that damn machine, you'd probably have had Kilbane kicking in your door."

"But I'll admit I am surprised to see you here in my office. What can I do for you?"

He walked up and put the machine in his custody. He made sure that it was there. But for now at least it was there.

"Now that i am here, Commander. Can we get this logged in?" Mickey handed him the 2285 phaser to him.

Bertrand accepted the two devices, watching Mikey's face the whole time. Now he spoke to the air, "Computer. I am taking temporary monitoring of Lt McClane. Deactivate monitor feed from Ensign Aladdin."

The computer beeped acknowledgement.

"Now that we have a little privacy," Bertrand harumphed, "I want you to hear something. I apologize in advance, Aladdin; this may well hurt your ears."

Bertrand moved to a wall panel and pressed a button a jumbled stream of noises poured into the room. It was near impossible to make anything out as snatches of conversation flowed over each other.

Aladdin's hearing was OK as it didn't bother him he was OK he maybe a dog but he's a tough dog.

"This is the ship's com traffic, unfiltered," Bertrand explained. "Just a jumble of sounds; noise really. If you listen hard enough you can almost make out a conversation. This is what we telepaths have in our heads the whole time. It's not some nice print out on a computer screen, it is a jumble of noise. The closer we are to someone, the easier it is to hear them, and likewise, the more familiar we are, the better able we are to detect them. You can probably pick out the Thux's distinct voice in this jumble."

He switched the sound of an welcome silence flooded back, "Lots of people are terrified that we will read their darkest most inner thoughts. We can't actually do that... unless you start thinking about them hard. Then they stand out. That's what makes it easy for a copper like me. Face someone with a Security officer and they start to think about all the things they might be in trouble for. I just pick which one I think important."

"It helps if people think I know all and see all; it makes them frightened and they think harder and clearer in that state. The truth is, though, most of what I do is educated guess work. I rely on people believing I am much better than I am. As soon as someone like Antos challenges that... well, I'm stuck. People start to get away with things. People get hurt."

"That's my real job here, Mickey, stopping people form getting hurt if I can. Blocking me out with this device, o ruse of unregistered weapons, all of this makes it harder for me. I really appreciate you bringing these to me. Now let's take a look at this weapon of yours."

He sat at his desk, "Computer, resume remote monitoring of Lt McClane."

The computer chirruped again as Aladdin's camera turned on. Bertrand dis-attached the power core, quickly stripping the weapon back.

"Hmm," he said, "I am not keen on these self contained anti-matter power cells, but it is consistent with the time. Construction work is good, little bit rushed, but I can see some care has been taken. I am going to need you to include the modern inhibitors we have on all our units so we can remote deactivate it while it is on the ship if we need to; just a precaution against it falling into the wrong hands. Other than that I am happy with it. Get the chip in and we can log it to you. That sound fine?"

Bertrand handed the small chip to Mikey along with returning the phaser.

"Two conditions, Commander." Mickey sat down in the guest seat. "One, you let me modify the camera instead of just visual you can hear and see me as well. I think instead of using your powers you would be able to see and hear me. Because it scared me the most, sorry to be a Jackass of a lieutenant. Though with all due respect of the Commander, if i am going out of line let me know."

"Not at all," Bertrand countered. "We want you to be able to act without constantly worrying about others looking over your shoulder. I think you already have an Audi set up in the link, so we just need to activate that."

Mickey said then spoke of the other condition. "Once this chip is installed, would you care to join me in the holodeck for target practice? It would be beneficial for you and me instead of me fearing that i break the walls down within myself?" Mickey asked nicely of his requests hopefully the commander would agree to it.

Bertrand grimaced, "I never do well in holodeck simulations, but... Yes alright. I need to get my practice hours up anyway. Maybe we can do that after we leave

Mickey then activate the secondary audio so now he no longer has to worry about being paranoid for now. He then installed the chip into the phaser and closed it back up." Shall we go, Commander?" Mickey said as he put his new phaser in his gun holster. "I had to make it as well besides at least now just encase. Now as for the other phaser will need to chip that later as well, once the new adjustments are made" Mickey said as he walked to the door along with Acting Ensign Aladdin. "You coming, Commander?" Acing Ensign Aladdin said nicely.

Bertrand shook his head, "Some of us have work to do. I am off duty in three hours, but I need to keep an eye on the CO. He's at a diplomatic conference, and those things can turn nasty."

"Of course, Commander. Besides a security officer's job is never done. I'll go play a bit on the holodeck now tootles" With that said Mickey and Aladdin went to the holodeck for play.


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