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Not so much dirty, as filthy, less than half dozen (Backpost).

Posted on Mon May 1st, 2017 @ 12:32am by Captain Allen Jones

Mission: The Trial of Cor Cordale
Location: Security department training drills.
Timeline: Current

Kevin walked out into the hall and saw that Karadis was already there. Beside her stood four people, all dishevelled looking, dressed in fatigues and even from where he was, ALL needing a shower!

He slowed his pace as he got to within a few yards of the group. He looked at Shr'Nesh and nodded.

Karadis nodded back and turned to face the group, saying "This is Lt Kilbane, Chief of Security here on the Victory. He's in charge of whether or not you get to stay and be useful or get set back to Joliet. Anything and everything he says you do, have you got that?"

The four people all nodded slowly and murmured their understanding.

"I said HAVE YOU GOT THAT???" Karadis shouted.

"SIR, YES SIR!!" they all called back in unison, attempting to stand up as straight as they could.

Karadis turned back to Kevin and said "Ready as they can be for your inspection Lt Kilbane."

Kevin took his time, walking slowly along the line, looking each person in the face, carefully studying each of their features. Reaching the end of the line, he walked around the back of them and began going towards the beginning of the line again. He stopped at the second last one. He was a hulking figure of over six feet, broad shouldered and with muscles like rocks.

"Who are you?" he asked, laying the cane he was holding lightly on the mans shoulder.

"Sir, ex-Lt/Commander Daryl Foxly, formally Chief of Security on the USS Claver, given ten years penal servitude for staging a ship wide mutiny" he man answered.

Kevin sighed audibly, stepped back a little then brought his knee in behind the mans knee, causing him to buckle. Kevin then grabbed him around the neck, twisting his body at the same time. Both of them fell onto the floor, but Kevin was on top of the other instantly, straddling him, pinning the guys shoulders to the deck with his knees, and at the same time, bringing his cane under their chin and pushing upwards with it, restricting the breathing.

The man bucked and twisted, trying to unseat Kevin, but Kevin just pushed his cane in harder the mans neck, restricting his breathing more. The mans energy began to sap and his struggling decreased till he was just lying there. Kevin waited a moment, then released the cane from where he was holding it. The man took in a large breath and coughed viscously, twisting his head to the side.

Kevin remained where he was and said "Would 'we' like to try that answer again? Who are you?"

"Sir" the man answered raspingly "I'm no-one, Sir, just prisoner one six three eight dash two two four, penal colony Fashner Two...."

Kevin got off of the guy and allowed him to get up and join the line again. Walking back round the front of the group, Kevin faced them and said "From here on in, you're nobody, not even the penal numbers you were given on your arrival at your prisons, you're mine now. I've been given the task of putting together an infiltration/insertion/protection squad. Because of the work this squad will be doing, Starfleet aren't willing to take front line personnel out of their duties, so, they've decided to use.....lumps like you. Low life's who are the dregs of the fleet, and who deserve nothing but the sentences you've been given, but who have in the past had the skills set we need. You're going to be given a second chance, one to redeem yourselves, but be under no illusion, first you have to get past me and Karadis there" he said, pointing to Shr'Nesh.

"We're going to drill you, task you, and break you, till we think you 'might' be of use to this ship and her crew. 'If' you pass, and you fulfil your missions, of which there will be plenty I can assure you, then at some point in the future, your sentences might get commuted and you can once again re-join Starfleet, on the bottom rung of the ladder from where you served previously. If any of you don't want this chance, take a step forward now and we'll happily send you back to where you've come from" Kevin said.

All four stood stock still, unmoving.

"Ok, that's decided then" Kevin said "but, till I'm convinced you're ready, you have no names only numbers."

Moving forward and to his left, Kevin once more stood at the beginning of the line and as he walked past each person he tapped each of them lightly on the shoulders in turn with the cane and said "You're number one, number two, number three and number four."

He stopped at the end of the line, and turned back to face the four "You'll be quartered in the detention cells here, fed four times a day, and will at no point enter into any conversation with anyone outside of the CO, XO, Second Officer, myself and Karadis, is that clear?"

"SIR, YES SIR!" all four called out together.

"Good" Kevin replied and then turned to Kardis saying "Get these four showered, cleaned up, fresh fatigues, fed and settled. Once they're in their cells. let me know."

With that, he turned round and left. Entering his office, he tapped his COMM badge and said "Lt Kilbane to Captain Jones, if you have a moment, can you come to Security please?"

AJ really didn't think he was going to be this busy. After Kilbane called him, he made his way to security and walked in. "Whats up Lt.?"

Hearing the Marines voice in the outer office, Kevin called out "Ah, Captain Jones, thanks for coming so quickly, I'm in my office, I'll be one second."

Grabbing a PADD from his desk, he made his way to the outer office and over to Jones.

"I wanted to ask you if you could help set up part of a training course for me" Kevin said. He handed the PADD regarding the Starfleet information on using prisoners as infiltration teams.

AJ looked it over. "A training program is no problem. Do you just want a program or have your squad train direct with my Marines?"

"Just a programme at the moment" Kevin replied "I want to keep this team separate, get the gelled together, learn to rely on one another."

"Makes sense. I will send you a variety of programs I used to prepare people for black ops missions. You can use what you want." AJ replied.

"I know this is going to sound a strange question Captain, but how well versed are you on historic battles, and do you have one particular era you specialise in?"

"I try to be modest but I would say I know my stuff." AJ wasn't sure where this was headed. "No particular era. Just more interested in the tactics and how they changed over time."

"That's kind of why I asked" Kevin replied "You see, I want the team to rely on their instincts as well as the equipment they'll use. There may be times where they have a situation that means they can't use the equipment they have, so they'll need to improvise. I've always had a keen interest in historical battles, especially Earths Second World War. I wanted to put the team through some of those scenario's. I have certain scenario's I'd like to run, but I wondered if you had any that you believe would be particularly helpful in their training?"

"I have a scenerio that plays in the need to use the environment, but has a modern twist. It takes place on a Cadassian planet deep in their empire at the high of the Dominion War." AJ offered

"Can you expand on it a bit, as it could be something we can work with?" Kevin said, intrigued with what he was hearing.

"Sure in the scenerio you can adjust for multiple size teams. You are tasked with getting on the surface of a Cardassian outpost without detection and infiltrate and neutralize multiple targets and objectives." AJ explained.

"Yes, I think we can use that one as a starter" Kevin said "Thanks for your time Captain, I'll give you a shout once we've briefed the teams."


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