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Let there be light

Posted on Wed Apr 25th, 2018 @ 1:29pm by Captain Elijah Michaels

Mission: Of Machines and Men
Location: Bridge, USS Victory

Keller stood around and looked at the Bridge of the Victory, the Diplomatic Officer had relieved Ensign Sindax and was now running the Bridge in the absence of Captain Michaels and Commander Tajor. Though in this case there wasnt really much for him to take charge of, power was still out across the ship and the Captain had gone to Engineering to assist in restoring functions.

That was when there was a flicker coming from one of the consoles. Ensign Sindax approached. "Sir we just got sensors back up and life support is back in the green, not fully but we can at least see."

"Excellent, thats a start at least so use what little we have to monitor the planet." Keller said nodding.

Across the room another console beeped and flickered. Keller got up and walked over. "Communications are up, both internally and externally."

"Sir readings are coming up from the surface." Sindax commented. "There is a slight power fluctuation in the shield, not much but it's present."

"Captain Michaels and Commander Tajor to the Bridge." Keller said as he pressed the panel.

The lights on the Bridge slowly began to shine brighter as the power began to return to the Victory. The Bridge Crew were going to monitor systems as they came on one by one, the Ship began to at least astheticly return to normal.

Elliot moved from Station to Station as he checked how the old girl was holding up, slight fluctuations in power and oddities in the relays but nothing that couldn't be fixed at a Drydock.

The Doors to the Bridge opened and the Captain proceeded forwards. "Report."

Keller turned to his Captain. "Power is partially back across the whole Ship, life support is working and so are comms and sensors but tactical isn't up just yet." Keller watched as consoles returned at intervals. "Sensors show the Planet is reading unusual activity in the shield grid."

"What kind of activity?" Elijah asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Unknown until we can examine it but it looks like that whatever we did not only knocked us offline but caused something to change in the Planets shield harmonics." Keller said as he pulled up the limited data.

"Alright." The Captain said with a nod. "I want whoever we can get from the remaining Senior Staff and their Departments on the Bridge right away."

"Aye Sir." The Lieutenant responded as he carried out his orders.

Wiping his brow, the Captain looked to his Chair and then sighed. There was no rest for the weary as he now had to analyse the data and work out how to get his people back.


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