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Open for business

Posted on Sun Apr 29th, 2018 @ 9:51am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Hel Samedi & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri & Lieutenant Ishan Satele

Mission: Of Machines and Men

With the last of the Victory crew placed in stasis, the Greatest Show facility went into standby mode. It's doors opened, and the shields lowered.

"I'm getting one tracking signal from a modified comm pin, but the area is too heavily shielded to beam directly there," the operations officer reported to the Captain when he was summonsed to the bridge. "Transporters are out anyway. We could get a couple of shuttles down, but we need to be careful not to trigger the shield again."

"Alright." Elijah looked around. "Ziyal you're going to lead the Away Team." He said looking at Tajor. "Valeria, Hel you'll be there as well, one of you will manually shut down the shield grid, the other will get to work on the Stasis Pods."

Ziyal nodded silently, turning to the problem at hand. This emergency had been going on for a while and she was hoping that they would be able to do things the easy way.

"Sir, if I can lodge a suggestion. Our direct encounter with a Class One civilization has left the Victory still under optimal." Valeria said, being respectful of all the hard work Hel and the Engineering team had done thus far. "Provided comms work outside of the shield facility Hel can coach me through disabling it, provided we don't disable it through high-yield explosives." the rabbitess said with a smirk.

"Hel has far too much on her plate at the current to risk being isolated from the ship. If I accidentally trigger the shield, the marines can come to my aid, or I simply trigger the enclosure again alone and await rescue. If Hel is compromised, we lose a valuable engineering asset, and our likelihood of a rapid repair dwindles." a pause, "Sir."

"I'm with Mordin on this," offered Hel, looking rather haggard and tired, smudges of dirt and grease on her uniform and face. "There's still a lot of work to do on the ship and no disrespect to any of my engineers, but none of them have the oversight and leadership to get this organized and done. All things being equal I'd much rather remain onboard and work on giving you the ship back, Sir."

"Point taken." Elijah said to the two of them. He knew to never question the judgement or wisdom of his superb Engineers. "Do whatever you need to get us up and running, just don't wear yourself out in the process."

"Sciences standing by to help with the effort." Valeria said, mostly to Hel but also to let Elijah know that the Engineering / Science tag team wasn't breaking up anytime soon.

"Good. That's good. I can use the manpower." Hel agreed. "I have a plan of attack, it's just going to take some time and effort."

"I want a Marine Unit assembled in full gear on the Flight Deck, I also want a Security Team too." Michaels said as he looked around the assembled Bridge Crew.

"Aye Sir I'll get a Fire Team prepped." The Marine Lietenant said with a nod.

"Ensign Baxter you'll stay here and monitor their progress, at the first sign of trouble pull them out." He said to the petite Ensign.

"Yes Sir." She responded.

"Alright any questions?" Elijah asked to the assembled men and women.

"If I may sir, should we risk a shuttle landing? we don't know if or how the shield would react to the presence of a shuttle." Satele asked, stepping forward a little, "the rescue team could do an orbital drop instead. less chance of detection"

"But less protection if the shield reacts to proximity." Valeria optioned, "At least in a shuttle they have something between them and any response. Begin the approach far, like six kilometers away, and come in fast and low. Dial back the Inertial Dampener and use the momentum from entry to boost the shuttle's speed to make the approach more rapidly." Now she was in 'Problem Solving' mode.

"I'm certain shuttles still come equipped with sickness bags. Just in case." she offered a wink. Teasing, sure, but a playful jab.

"We don't have transporters yet," Security observed. "Once you are on the ground you will have only what support the shuttles can provide. Even a runabout only has capacity to beam one or two people every minute or so."

“We can use the Trafalgar as well can’t we?” The Captain suggested in regards to his Yacht. “It was upgraded for the Nomad Station Operation 18 months ago and we never got round to restoring it back to its stock model.” He looked at the team. “It can hold five people give or take and a large scale transporter.”

Ziyal nodded, finally finishing absorbing the information with her own thoughts. Her had calculated what they would need and how much. "We'll take the runabout and the Trafalgar. That should give us the personnel and transport that we need. We'll make a low combat drop and skim the surface to here." She pointed to a field with a old building separating them from the Arena.

"There we will set up a basecamp and prepare for our assault on the Arena it's self. Weapons loadout will be determined by Major Jones. We will enter from some of the tertiary entrances that we have identified. We will start by seeing if we can get some engineering and science personnel to disable the shield." She nodded to Val.

"Once the shield is down, we will proceed inside and locate our people. As we don't know what it looks like inside, or it's internal layout. I think it will be better to keep the team together and lay a trail of breadcrumbs to get us back outside again. We will also be carrying transporter signal boosters if we need them." She decided finally, hoping that she had made the right decisions.

The Captain snapped his fingers. "Alright people we have things to do, places to be so let's get to it!"

With that said the Captain watched as the assembled Crew quickly hurried off to man stations and prepare the rescue of their shipmates. The longer they waited the less time they would have to mount a successful rescue.


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