Ensign Zachary Chandler
Name Zachary Michael Chandler
Position Engineering Officer
Rank Ensign
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 23 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'2" | |
Weight | 190 | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Tall, average build. |
Father | Michael Chandler | |
Mother | Elizabeth Chandler | |
Sister(s) | Cindy Chandler |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Zack is friendly and laid back. Nothing keeps him down for long, and he always sees the silver lining. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | gifted engineer limited mobility with prosthetic leg |
Ambitions | To become CEO, and eventually move up to fleet level. |
Personal History | Born to a family of engineers. Both Michael and Elizabeth are instructors at Starfleet Academy. Zack teethed on spent engineering tools, and colored on blueprints of space stations and star ships. | |
Service Record | In his final semester as a cadet, Zack was assisting with repairs to Jupiter Station. Another cadet incorrectly set up a hull forcefield and the resulting accident left Zack blown into space and missing his left leg 6 inches above the knee. The cold of space damaged the exposed nerves and tissue. A bio prostethic leg was attempted, but Zack's body continually refused the artificial limb, and the anti-rejection medication made him unable to function. After a missed final semester and a month of trial and error, a standard prosthetic limb was finally settled on. He finished his last semester in the fall instead of spring, and requested immediate posting. USS Victory - Engineer |