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Tue Apr 17th, 2018 @ 4:55am

Lieutenant Commander Alec Wescott

Name Alec Wescott

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4
Weight 210lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Alec is known for his height, and the fact that he can be easily picked out in a crowd, sometimes not a good thing, but also his bulk. Being quite muscular he sometimes requires more space than the average person.

Alec also has a scar on the lower right of his neck, where he got into a fight with a Klingon at a younger age. The Klingon won, managing to cut Alec's Jugular Artery. He only survived thanks to the quick thinking of his friend, John, a first year at the academy, studying medicine. Fortunately this scar is hidden well by his uniform collar, and when out of uniform he tries to wear high neck clothing.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Philip Wescott (CO USS Tomlinson)
Mother Suzanne Wescott (KIA Battle of Wolf 359)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alec followed closely in his parents footsteps, joining the Academy as soon as he was old enough. He had experienced ship life from a very early age, with his father being a CO, and his mother an XO, and therefore had become quite knowledgeable in the working of the ships, sometimes helping some of the more experienced officers, and duty heads with small tasks. He found most excitement in Security and Tactical systems, frequently working with the Chief Tactical officer to get experience during the year or so before joining the academy.

Although Strict, Alec is fairly friendly, and will try and make you feel welcome within his department. He will point out peoples errors, trying to make them a better officer, rather than just leaving it until they make a mistake that could end their career.

Alec is also quite frank. If he thinks something is wrong, or something is being done that could majorly endanger a crew, or could get the person in serious trouble, he will bring it up, usually in private, to that person, so that they can discuss the actions, how things could improve, or why the person decided to do that. He does this to help himself to learn new ways of dealing with issues, and new approaches to things.
Strengths & Weaknesses Alec is a very strict Department Head, pointing out any errors made by his staff, not to be mean, but to help them iron out those errors, so that they may one day progress to higher ranks and positions. He also holds his friends very close, and while he may not have many, those who are his friends have proven themselves to him time and time again. These are both Strengths and Weaknesses, as those under Alec feel that he is being to harsh on them, and many who try to get into his tight knit group of friends are sometimes put off by how hard it is to become friends with him.
Ambitions Although Alec enjoys it as a Security and Tactical Crew Member, he also has the ambition to one day join the command crew of a Starship, be that as an XO or CO. This however is a way down Alec's career path, and he will wait for the opportunity, rather than rush into things.
Hobbies & Interests Alec enjoys spending his down time practicing his shooting in the holodeck with a selection of weapons. He also enjoys reading, and singing, as well as listening to Heavy Metal Rock Music. He is not a massive fan of Movies, however he has a small selection of movies, including Harry Potter, and The Cornetto Trilogy.

Personal History Alec followed closely in his parents footsteps, joining the Academy as soon as he was old enough. He had experienced ship life from a very early age, with his father being a CO, and his mother an XO, and therefore had become quite knowledgeable in the working of the ships, sometimes helping some of the more experienced officers, and duty heads with small tasks. He found most excitement in Security and Tactical systems, frequently working with the Chief Tactical officer to get experience during the year or so before joining the academy.

Upon joining the Academy Alec flew through the basic training courses, as well as the Security and Tactical courses. After completing these he decided to stay on, and pursue Officer training. During this training he also decided to take further courses in Emergency Medicine, and Advanced Tactical/Security Training.

Upon passing all but the Emergency Medicine Course first time, he decided to look to join a ship as a Tactical Officer. It didn't take him long to be accepted onto the USS Oblivion. He served here for a few years, gaining experience, while retaking his Emergency Medicine Course. After gaining experience he decided to take a move to a Deputy Department Head role. He started looking and found an open position aboard the USS Vindicator, where he last served. He now looks to join the USS Infinity as a Department Head in Security and Tactical, where he believes he can put his skills and training to the best use, while gaining valuable experience.
Service Record Service Record
2375-2379 Starfleet Academy
2379-2384 Tactical Officer USS Oblivion
2384-2392 Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer USS Vindicator
2392-Current Chief Security/Tactical Officer USS Victory