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Fourth Wall

Posted on Thu Mar 8th, 2018 @ 2:45am by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri

Mission: Of Machines and Men

Everyone is allowed to read, but only Cor and Avist remain in the room, and Sara and Bert will be combatants. The private PM to explain what is going on has been sent. Please observe the niceties as our last contestants did. :)

Bert looked at Sara, "Looks like we're up. You ready?"

Before she could answer there was a red flash leaving just Cor and Avist in the room.

Sure enough a moment later The pair appeared in the arena. Sara was now not wearing her jacket though.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and other viewers. I present to you Combatants 1338549 Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri and 1338550, Commander Bertrand Cuprum!"

Bertrand began to move, but at first it did not look like it was a tactical move, more a sort of dance step.

The Drone rolled out and was drawn by the movement.

Seeing the drone chase after Bertrand, Sara threw out her hand is if to throw something at the drone, but nothing happened. Confused, she tried again and again nothing happened. Getting frustrated, Sara charged after the drone hoping to flank it.

Bertrand was moving in a wide arc to draw fire, but he seemed as confused as Sara by her failed attack. Suddenly he changed direction and moved towards the robot. A roll to the right to avoid the arc of energy then a step to the left as a wave of flame washed past, not quite fast enough though, as the flame seared the uniform of his exposed artificial hand.

With two sudden steps forward he leapt for the turret. Raising his right arm he punched the turret housing. The armour absorbed the blow easily, but the drone was now fully concentrating on Bert, leaving Sara to make the killing blow.

Hearing a loud bang come from the drone, Sara looked up to see Bert hitting the turret housing. Realising that he was distracting the drone, Sara quickly formulated a plan. Realising that she still had her Nissari designed side arm on her, she hoped it would prove an advantage. Pulling her sidearm from its holster on her hip, she triggered it to unfold than aimed it at the drone, ~let's hope they copied this correctly~ she thought before pulling the trigger, causing a small metal slug to be ejected from the mussle at a great velocity.

Impacting the side of the drone, the slug created a sizeable dent in the drone's plating. Happy with both the replication of her weapon and its effects on the drone, Sara started fireing at the drone while walking towards it, each hit creating another dent with each successive hit adding to the crumpling of the drone's plating.

The Thux watched the events unfold, trying to disregard the looping audio of the cheers as Bert and Sara pummeled the assault drone. "A Direct frontal assault confused it. Something new. Won't work twice." he said, patting his own prosthetic. "First time in months I get to actually let go, and Bert takes it right out from under me." he actually chuckled. He then turned to Avist, "I'm thinking the treads. Take out its mobility, then close for the kill shot. Gangland execution style like in that old Earth documentary, Goodfellahs." he paused, "Ever seen it? Paints a brutal picture of old Earth. Vicious stuff, I'm glad humanity put all that behind them."

"Anyway, so far no one's gone for its actual mobility. Tip it over, then blindside it." he suggested.

The drone seemed unable to concentrate on more than one attack at a time. Bertrand and Sara were swapping roles of attack and distraction, and each time there was a lag as the Drone recalculated the threat. Bertrand used the distraction now to pull his phaser, set it to overload and place it near the sensor housing.

He leapt clear just as the loud explosions blinded the drone permanently. It let out a wailing alarm and began to fire its weapons randomly. Bertrand joined Sara behind a piece of cover.

"No knowing how long it will take to wear itself out, but I am counting on the producers of the show not wanting to drag this out."

Sure enough the voice of the Announcer boomed over the arena, "Ladies and gentlemen, as you are aware, the rule do allow for a technical win, if the contestants cripple but do not destroy the Opponent."

With a flash of red Bertrand and Sara disappeared.


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