End of Round 1
Posted on Mon Mar 26th, 2018 @ 12:54am by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Commander Cor Cordale
Mission: Of Machines and Men
With a red flash, Avist and Cor found themselves in a much smaller room with two chairs facing each other and a female in a white bodysuit smiling at them.
"Welcome, contestants. We are so pleased to have you hear. Please have no anxiety. This is a formality that must be undertaken before you can be introduced to our current leader."
Cordale took the chance to look around. This was what everyone else went through, apparently. Formality indeed. To the female in the room with them, he at least gave a nod. Ever the charmer, that one.
"This," the woman said gesturing around, "Is our performance suite, and the first step in introduction to our leader. Please do not be apprehensive. Every effort has been taken to assure your comfort and safety."
"Before you are allowed to meet with the leader, you are to be introduced. This requires a performance of skill. While sitting in these chairs you will be given direct control of Drones based on your physical characteristics as they were scanned through the turnstile. By operating these drones to the best of your ability during a series of tasks you will gain an audience to our leader. I regret there is no other way. Please, take a seat. The process of operation is painless and safe for all species."
The only ones that were going in blind were the first set of 'contestants'. After that, everyone knew what these sets of 'Tasks' were. Fight a robot to gain admittance. Put on a good show while doing it. Though, maybe it was all some kind of VR dreamstate, especially with the mention of Drones. That put him much more at ease. Though, her talk of 'safe for all species' had him a little worried. There wasn't anything in the cosmos like him except him after all. With that in mind, he eased himself into one of the chairs. "Remember our chat." he said to Avist beforehand.
There was a moment's disorientation; a feeling of being in two places at the same time. They were still sitting in the chair opposite their colleague, but at the same time they was standing in a small room opposite a replica, right down to uniform and equipment.
Cordale now had every appreciation for that one officer on their ship, what was her name? The twins. No wait, they weren't twins. She wasn't twins. Yeah, this probably felt nothing like it, but man was it weird. He flexed his living hand, then for a moment wondered if... yeah, the prosthetic was there. It would have been nice, but weird none the less. Everything seemed to be there, and a quick check confirmed. Tricorder, badge, phaser, both legs, tail, arm arm head.
The familiar drone from the speakers intoned "...Contestants 1338551 and 1338552..."
The pair looked to the giant droid rolling out to meet them.
"You know, that thing looks a lot bigger from here." the Thux muttered, before he gave Avist a nod and drew his phaser. Figuring that the drone had so far been shot at from range, hacked, and assaulted directly, Cor took off like a bolt to the side to circle and flank the tank. His plan was sound, at least to him: Take out the treads.
So he took the first shot.
The droid's systems were designed to redirect energy weapons easily, however, it did need to stop moving to do so. Perhaps there was something in that which could be turned to their advantage.
"Again with the direct energy assault," the voice rang over the auditorium. "It has to be the most common first tactic after running away."
Cor adjusted his grip and tried a new strategy...