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Posted on Tue Jul 31st, 2018 @ 3:39pm by Lieutenant Jaton Alyl & Commander Cor Cordale & Telar Orin

Mission: Trills and Thrills

Jaton had had a long day as he strolled into Ten Forward. It wasn’t over yet though. He still had to finish compiling the science reports to transfer to the teams remaining here while the Victory went back to Trill.

And quite possibly my doom, Jaton thought. His mother had been quite cryptic when he talked to her most recently, but with the words of the commander ringing in his ears from earlier, he recited some words to himself from an old Earth song:

“And I’m damned if I’ll marry some noble’s daughter,
A skinny-lipped virgin with blood like water,
Who’ll give me a peck and call it a kiss,
And look in my eyes through a lorgnette.”

Not that he knew what a lorgnette was. He sat down and resigned himself to figuring out what she was up to when they got back to Trill.

The remaining three seats at his table were soon approached and tugged upon. Looking up, Jaton would see the elderly forms of a male Dalacari, and a very elegant looking humanoid frame robot of some form with a white chassis with a gold trim look to it. The Dalacari himself had something of a white-grey to his fur, and was dressed in a casual yet professional attire from a world that Jaton had probably only seen in pictures about the newest frontier races.

"Would you mind if we joined you? Cypruss and I, that is." one of the Dalacari forms spoke. "I'm Dr. Telar Orin, I was called aboard to help one of our citizens through a crisis matter. During the downtime between sessions..." and just like that, the speaking form stopped talking. Boom. Conversation done.

The other form, though, picked up the conversation instantly as though it were the original speaker the entire time, "... I could always use the time to get to know the people of this fine starship. This, is my personal assistant Cypruss. He keeps me on track."

The drone gave a nod, "It's a tough job, but someone has to perform it." came the reply. The voice was pleasant but obviously robotic.

Like a switch, Jaton turned on the decorum once again, well trained by his mother as he was.

“By all means,” he said, gesturing to the seats. “I was about to have some Turkish coffee. Best thing for long working nights. Would you like some?”

The pair that composed Telar took a pair of seats. "Oh that sounds delightful. Please, relax." And one form turned towards the drone. "Turkish coffee, full service. And get yourself something." He added with a smirk.

The drone gave something of a recorded chuckle. "How generous, doctor." And the drone made its way to the replicator, to return with three cups. It placed one in front of Jaton, and the other two for the good doctor before the drone took a seat. "Nothing looked appetizing." It said, while sitting.

"Seems a bit of a buzz around here." The doctor mentioned.

“Indeed,” Jaton said. “It’s a favourite haunt of many an off-duty officer. That or the holodeck of course.”

He took his small cup of the life-giving liquid and raised it to his new acquaintances.

“Şerefe.” He then took a healthy swig of the coffee. It was very bitter as usual, but by this point in his life he’d grown to enjoy it.

"Naavi Dia." Each of the forms of the doctor recited with a raise of their tiny cups, and took a sip each. Their eyes went a little wide, and while they didn't spit the drink out, they were hesitant to take the next sip. "That's hot. And bitter." the pair intoned in sequence, though after a moment, the doctor spoke again. "Though, it's not terrible. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

Cypruss toned in at this point, "He's terrible at catch."

“Oh I’m sorry. It’s Jaton. Lieutenant Jaton Alyl.”

One of the forms of Telar Orin held out a hand in greeting, "I believe this is the gesture you're expecting. It's excellent to meet you Lieutenant. I have no rank, aside from Doctor." the pair chuckled at their own joke.

Jaton offered a smile and took the doctor’s hand. “No rank required, Doctor. And I must say it’s a rare treat to meet another symbiotic species. I’ve interacted with Ms Seran on occasion but there’s so much more I’d like to know about the Dalacari.”

"Another? Oh, you're a Triil." the doctor started, but Cypruss actually made a sound of a rendered cough, "It's Trill, Doctor." and Orin chuckled and corrected himselves.

"You're right, I apologize. You're a Trill." he paused, "A fascinating experience, for a swarm species to meet a symbiotic host/symbiote species." he said with all the awe of a scientist. Or at least, a medical professional.

"So, this sounds like an opportune moment. It so happens I've been a Dalacari my whole life." he chuckled, in stereo. "What would you like to know?"

“Well I’d like to preface this with the fact that I’m not a biologist by training, so I hope these questions don’t sound impertinent or ignorant. But I suppose my first question is how did your symbiosis evolve?”

"I promise I won't take your questions as anything other than curiosity." he prefaced. "As for how we came to be, well, a long time ago we were actually very adorable predators known as the..." and then he stopped talking. Just silence. Before his twin picked up the conversation.

"... Narada Vash. Roughly translated, it means Fog of Teeth. They're lanky, ermine-like creatures that have a form of simply cloud empathy with others in their pack. A form of group pack-mentality..."

"... that allows them to coordinate against potential prey and to avoid being surprised. You'd need to sneak up on the whole pack, which is nearly as tough as it sounds. Over time, they..."

"... became the dominant species, and began to become more advanced. As their intellect blossomed, the number in their pack dwindled. Soon, they began walking in a hunch, then..."

"... they began using simple tools to aid in their hunts, and finally they formed tribes to recreate the pack sensation they left as they became more and more intelligent. Fast forward a few thousand..."

"... generations, and you have Naradadera Erectus Duos who would eventually become the modern day Dalacari."

“Ah! Fascinating!” Jaton said. “So the empathic link of the pack narrowed and focused on one individual, becoming stronger all the time until they were fused into a single coherent consciousness? Am I understanding that correctly?”

The pair gave a nod, "Quite correct. A complete Dalacari, as seen before you, is a pair of bodies with one singular consciousness."

“And what about the two identical bioforms? Just a quirk if evolution?”

"All healthy Dalacari births are twins. A holdover from our days of old where Narada Vash gave birth in litters." the good doctor comment, "That's the prevailing theory, at least."

“Ah, interesting. And I take it that all twins are identical? Or are some twin bioforms fraternal? And I hope it’s not too indelicate but I am curious as to how mating and reproduction works in a species with two bodies sharing a single consciousness.”

Telar gave a chuckle, "Oh there's no discomfort at all. Ensuring a healthy and productive relationship, both sexually and socially, is part of a psychologist's job afterall." he waved away the concern.

"There's never been a reported case of fraternal births. So much so that the term 'Fraternal' didn't exist in the Dalacari lexicon in a manner that applied to childbirth until after we met the Ts'usugi." he pointed out.

"We had to include such a term, hesitantly so. It's an odd condition, and one we've never encountered. As for reproduction, the children are carried in the female for term, and finish developing externally..."

"... after birth. Term is usually about six to eight months, with another four spent in observation. In each fertile pairing, there's usually one pair that actually undergoes the act of reproduction, while the other pair..."

"... maintain arousal with communal activities. It's unusual, and frowned upon, for both pairs to engage in sexual intercourse."

"We have a population to control, after all, and each birth is two mouths to feed." he pointed out.

Jaton nodded. "I suppose that makes sense. Meanwhile this guy," he said, slapping his abdomen, "won't reproduce until long after I've died. He's just a baby after all."

"Oh so it's an internal symbiosis?" now the doctor was curious. "Fascinating. So, I've heard the term symbiosis used which implies that there's a benefit you receive from it. Him." Telor corrected himself quickly.

"So, I presume the two of you share a vascular system of sorts, so *he* gets nourishment and a safe environment of sorts. What do you get out of the relationship?"

“Well, Alyl’s sentient as well. Our consciousnesses merged when we were joined. Normally when a Trill merges with a Symbiont like I did, they receive all the memories and experience of the previous hosts, going back centuries or even millennia. But it’s different for me, since I’m actually Alyl’s first host. So what I get is the ability to pass on and mold generation after generation of Trill society for literally thousands of years to come.”

"No pressure." Mentioned the drone, apparently having a taste for humor.

"So there's a neurological aspect as well? Fascinating indeed." Telor chanced another sip of the Turkish coffee and found the second sip no less bitter than the first, but the temperature had come down a touch so that he could truly enjoy the bitter aspect.

"So he shares your senses and sensations? Not too dissimilar from how Dalacari function. I can see through and experience the world through the entirety of my form." Dr. Orin demonstrated by having one form take another sip of coffee, which made them both make that 'ooo bitter' face.

"At least, my presumption is that he is devoid of his own sensory organs. Being an internalized organism and such." and then he paused, "I may need something to cut the bitter with. Cypruss, would you?" he turned to his drone companion, who gave a nod, "Certainly doctor. Please excuse the interruption." and the drone returned to the replicators.

"Oh, Cypruss, leave the cups. My host mother taught me how to read the coffee grounds. I don't really believe in it but it's a bit of fun." Jaton said. "And to keep with the theme, maybe I could suggest some künefe? Or baklava? Anyway, to answer your question, no. Alyl has separate sensory organs, but many of them are dormant when he's joined. But unjoined Symbionts have entirely separate senses. Symbionts have their own life cycle separate from the humanoids, in naturally occuring pools below the surface of Trill. For example, Alyl and I are actually about the same age, but we were only joined 6 years ago. Before that, he lived in these pools. And when he reaches the age of about 20,000 years, he'll return there to reproduce and live out the rest of his life."

Cypruss gave a nod, recognizing the command though he waited for Orin to confirm before he indeed left the cups behind. Still, he went to his task to get something a little less bitter for Orin's tastes. "Reading the grounds? Certainly the doctor will find that cultural expression fascinating." Cypruss responded with a nod. Was that sass? Perhaps a little. Could a drone feel sassy?

Dr. Orin nodded, hanging on every word. "That must be a fascinating life cycle for them. Twenty millennia of a lifespan. Your people must seem like short lived flickers to them." he said, though his tone was sorrowful rather than curious. "And such valuable resources, I'd wager." he paused to consider his next words carefully.

"Is it wise to have them in such dangerous environs? I mean, you'll never learn or experience from a distance, but aren't you worried about Alyl's safety, and by extension, your own?"

“I suppose I should be, but I haven’t ever thought about it like that. But isn’t it that line of thinking that leads to paralysis? You overanalyse the risk in anything and no one would want to do it. And I suppose if I were to die, it’s no matter. There are other Trill on the ship. And in a way I’d live on. And I’d of course have the zhian’tara to look forward to.”

It was Cypruss that actually fielded the next response as he returned to the table with another pair of drinks for Orin, "Actually, the Dalacari used that line of thinking to create one of their greatest pieces of technology and, by extension, their second greatest piece of technology. The Drone, and the technology to command and control such." it sounded proud. Could a drone sound proud?

Orin gave a pair of nods, "He's right. The Dalacari found out very quickly that among our shared experiences, pain was among them. If either of my forms is injured, I feel it. Militarily speaking, I'm two targets that take both out of a fight if one is injured." he started.

"We invented the drones as a replacement for Dalacari involvement in dangerous situations. Which then became most forms of manual labor, and then expanded into military presence. The Dalacari armed..."

"... forces are about ninety seven percent drones, with the remaining three percent being technicians and drone control supervisors. Though I'm certain the Trill take every available precaution to ensure both..."

"... host and guest are safe." he paused, "I presume that Zhian'tara is a Trill expression for an afterlife?"

Jaton was silent for a moment, thinking about that statement. Then a smile began to grow on his face and he nodded. “I suppose in a way it is an afterlife. Because of the unique merging of consciousness, Jaton will live on after his body dies in Alyl’s mind. He will go on to merge with the consciousness of the subsequent hosts and become a completely new individual. But there is a ritual that allows me to live again as a separate individual for a few hours: the zhian’tara. During this ritual, the consciousnesses of past hosts are separated out from the current hosts and symbiont and transferred to the body of a willing individual, usually the friends and loved ones of the current host. That way we can meet the new host, tell them of our experiences, and offer up advice to them on being a joined Trill.”

That got Orin's attention. "So, the internal symbiote acts as a repository for all the memories and experiences it shares with the host, and then with each new host, the accumulated knowledge of the symbiote will increase. A vast wealth of knowledge, both social and tactical, military and civilian..."

"... in nature, shared with each new host over a period of roughly twenty thousand years?" Orin sounded impressed. It was less a question of clarity and more of a 'am I following this'...

Cypruss issued out another synthetic chuckle, "Sounds like someone copied someone. Though imitation is the greatest form of flattery."

Orin shared in the mirth, "And you can summon, for lack of a truer term, a particular host's memories to the surface to directly interact. So, in theory, a millennia from now your people and mine can be speaking at a conference, and..."

"... the lead diplomat, who in this example is the new host for your symbiotic friend, could call upon your memories of this moment to better understand the Dalacari?" Telor asked, now quite invested in the moment. Cypruss gave a chuckle, and would be smirking if he could, "Sounds like a Thinking Engine if ever described, Doc."

"Something like that. It's really no different than recalling any other memory. But the zhian'tara is a single event, usually done once for each host. After all, it requires a third person, an officiant who serves to transfer the consciousness from symbiont to the temporary host. I must say, that's one of the things I wish I could experience. Unfortunately since I'm the first host I don't get a zhian'tara."

That's where Orin smiled, "Oh, I think you can. The symbiote, Alyl you said his name was? He is sentient, yes? I'm certain he has his own memories pre-joining, his own experiences. You're experiencing those everyday, so in a sense perhaps?" The Dalacari knew little more about the Trill lifecycle than what he had learned today

"Yes he does. But they're not something that a humanoid can make much sense of. After all, for the his entire life pre-joining, he lived in a pool of milky liquid. It's sort of like trying to remember what it was like in the womb. Of course, there were other Symbionts there, but that's the only real difference. I can easily recall them, but I can't really make any sense out of them."

"That sounds like a subconscious mind trying to communicate with a conscious mind." The doctor mentioned. "Fascinating. I'd be interesting in hearing..."

"... More about these memories. Visions or memories of the womb are more common than you think, universally speaking." The pair gave a nod each, before they set their cups down.

"This was an exceptional opportunity, lieutenant. Thank you for the conversation. Feel free to stop..."

"... by anytime and we can chat more about this, or any other topic. I look forward to learning about..."

"... your people. Utterly fascinating people."

Jaton stood as the Dalacari and the drone did. “I look forward to it,” he said with a smile. He extended his hand. “Will you be staying with us long enough to visit the Trill homeworld?”

Dr. Orin took Jaton's hand in one of his, but only one of the twins gave his hand a shake. The other seemed uninterested, or perhaps Dr. Orin didn't feel like offering two handshakes. "Oh, is that the next stop? Oh I'd absolutely love to see it. If I have the time."

"Your schedule, aside from your one client, is clear Doctor." Cypruss reminded the Dalacari, who gave a chuckle.

"Then, I think I have the time."


Dr. Telor Orin
Dalacari Division of Health and Well Being


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