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What is in a Name

Posted on Sat Nov 14th, 2015 @ 4:29am by Commander Cor Cordale & Roger Stevens & Johnathen Wade

Mission: If I told you...
Location: Ten Forward Lounge

Jack was sitting behind the bar, tapping a stylus onto a PaDD designed for drawing and design. The lounge was empty other them himself and he was humming a tune to drown out the silence.

The silence was broken by the doors to the lounge sliding open and the Chief Engineer making his way in. A quick turn to head straight to the bar, as there was no one else in the lounge at the time. Odd. To the older fellow behind the bar, Cor gave a nod, "Howdy. You the guy I talk to about a drink and a snack?"

Now, Cor had been in plenty of bars before, so this wasn't an honest question, but rather something to just drum up conversation.

"Aye, I am he" Jack said with a smile. "What can I get for you today?"

"Lemme get a root beer in a chilled glass, and a hamburger muffin." the Thux requested.

A voice came from the back, in the kitchen. "The hell is a hamburger muffin?"

"It's a muffin, with hamburger in it. Sheesh." Cor said with a smirk, and a long pause... like that was his only answer. "Check the Replicator Dbase, entry seventy four under the shared Cordale's Cuisine index."

The voice from the kitchen yells out again. "The hell... this has got to be the... Ugh... you got an hour too kill? Other wise I will have to replicate it."

"Whichever's less trouble, chief." Cor called out. He's settled for less before. Real or not, food was food. "So, I got the requisition order from Valeria, so let me know what you need and I'll schedule some industrial replicator time for you."

"I've got most of what I needed furniture, but I am a bit short on utensils and dinnerware." Jack said as someone came out from the back room. It was a tall, blonde hair man, built like he had played every sport ever. He place the hamburger muffin in front of cor. "Here you go... one Hamburger Muffin... gods I hope this isn't a popular dish"

"Well, I can't really help you on the little stuff but I can see about fudging some of the numbers on the replicator rations until you get on your feet. Proverbially speaking mind you." Cor offered, and then Jack's assistant came out with the hamburger muffin. "Oh hey, thanks. I wouldn't worry about it being too popular, the only only person I ever knew that had them isn't on this ship. Besides, I usually just replicate them myself so hey, I get to eat with company." he chuckled.

"So who's the assistant?" the Thux asked.

"The name's Roger, nice to meet you." The blonde male smiled.

"Roger here got shafted by Star Fleet a while back on a technicality I had a bit to do with, so when I got a hold of this lounge I figured the least I could do was give him a chance too come with, see the stars on a proper ship" said Jack.

"Good to meet you too Roger. Name's Cor." And the Thux offered his living hand to the assistant. At Jack's story, Cordale kinda chuckled. "Friggin' paperwork. It'll be the doom of us all, I say. Anyway, good to hear you could make it with. The stars are really something this close up."

Roger shook the Thux's hand firmly. "Pleasure too meet you, now if you'll excuse me, I am working on a stew." He smiled and went back to the kitchen.

Jack looked toward Cor. "Alright, I gotta question, and since you're here, you get too hear it. What should I rename this place, cause ten forward is too common, it needs a better name"

"Well, technically Ten Forward is a location. Forward most portion of Deck Ten. Let's see... Warp Dive? Nahhh... Tea Saucer? You know, cause we're in the saucer section? Yeah, kinda lame. Front and Center? Nah, that'll get all the Marines to jump." Cor said, going through a list. He gave it some good thought.

"Olympus? You know, like the mountain in Earth Mythology? Though that might be a bit egotistical. Warp Ten Forward, maybe? A little play on words. Though, since no one can reach Warp 10, that might put a jinx on the place. Call it 'The Alibi' and this way when folks get asked where they were, they have an alibi." Cor smirked at that one, "I mean hell, you could just call it Jack's Shack or something simple like that, really."

"Ehhhh, maybe Jack's Shack... but even then that is kinda simple... and not really fitting the theme of the place"

Cordale gave something of a half shrug, "I'm certain you'll think of something. See, all I can really think of right now are Engineering puns, and you don't want to drive away business before it even walks through the door." he chuckled. "Maybe 'The Oasis'? I mean, if space is the desert..." Cor tried, "See, now I'm going to be thinking of names all day."

"Ehhh, you and me both pal..."


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