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What who's really worth Pt 3.

Posted on Mon Aug 1st, 2016 @ 10:08pm by

Mission: Do Not Follow
Location: Shuttle Icarus/USS Victory
Timeline: Current.

The shuttle was about to enter the Badlands when the communications light blinked. Kevin saw it out of the corner of his eye and immediately reached across to answer.

"This is Lt Kilbane..."

"It's Karadis here Lieutenant, I've got new orders for you from Intel HQ."

"New orders?" Kevin asked.

"Yes Sir, I'm sending you them now" Karadis replied.

In a few moments, the new orders were received, and Kevin said "Keep this channel open Karadis, I'll send you a reply."

"Aye Sir" Karadis answered and was then silent.

Kevin read the orders, then re-read them again, just to make sure he had everything right.

"The Gollum Expanse, are they mad....." he whispered.

Once done, he sent an encoded message back to Karadis and said "Send this reply back to Intel HQ, ask them to send me details on Connect One, have you got that, Connect One...."

"Got it Sir, I'll get to it right now, I'll hopefully have the information when you get back here, Karadis out" she finished.

Turning to Satele, Kevin said "Sorry, but this and Mr Laramy are going to have to wait, we need to return to the Victory, now!"

Within a couple of hours, the Icarus touched down in the shuttle bay of the USS Victory. Before the shuttle doors had fully opened, Kevin had squeezed through them and was sprinting off towards his office.


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