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Through the Ship we go

Posted on Fri Apr 27th, 2018 @ 12:44pm by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant JG Elliot Keller & Lieutenant JG Alejandro Fernandez & Lieutenant Tarlee

Mission: Of Machines and Men
Location: USS Victory

With the Away Team still firmly engaged on the Ground and the Planetary Shield still operating, there wasn't an awful lot the Victory could do at this point.

Most of the Senior Staff were planet side and the Ship was in the dark still. Officers and Enlisted were chipping in as per the orders of the Captain himself, nobody was above or below the other in times like this.

Tarlee walked down the halls with a Flashlight in hand. The Bolian once again switched from the Night Shift and this time he had an Asisstant.

"Makes you wonder how well they're doing down there doesn't it?" He asked the Human next to him.

Alejandro nodded, "EstarĂ¡n bien, son profesionales (They'll be alright, they are professionals), but if we can't figure out what in Monteczuma's name is going on with the ship, we won't be able to rescue them nor do much of anything else; which means strategically we are up a creek, without a boat, a paddle, or the whole damn creek." He smirked at Bolian; then checked his Tricorder scans with past reports. "Hijo de puta! (Son of a Bitch)", its like someone threw a giant dampening field over the whole damn Galaxy or something! What pieces of the puzzle are we missing?" He turned his flashlight away from his Tricorder and kept walking down the hall. So Lieutenant Tarlee, since we seem to be going nowhere fast, what do you think should be our next plan of action?" As they walked down the hall, two young female crewmates passed them; both of them giving Alejandro a little giggle and flirty smiles. He quickly smiled back but was to preoccupied with trying to solve the mystery at hand.

Tarlee looked at him. "We need to focus." He said snapping his fingers. "Clearly they tried to use the Ship or part of our power distribution to tap into the grid." The Bolian then pointed to the Jeffries Tube. "We need to get to the Bridge or Engineering."

"Absolutamente!" Alejandro replied, he worked quickly to get the panel opened and took some quick readings, "Atmospherics look good, and ambient temperature in the tube are within acceptable parameters. Excellente!" He strapped a small flashlight to his tricorder to help extend the light and leave him one hand free in case he needed to grab his phaser. "Engineering is closer to this position but in the 'big picture', the Bridge might be the best option." He looked at Tarlee, "I recommend a 'fall back' movement through the tube. We stay one meter away from each other so that we can fall back if we encounter hostiles. It will make it easier to cover each other as well."
Alejandro thought to himself "At least this new ship is a thousand more times exciting then BOTH of my previous survey ship tours combined!"

"Alright the Bridge it is." Tarlee responded as he approached the nearest access point and manually opened it. The two Red clad Officers then proceeded inside and began to climb.

Alejando pictured the schematics in his mind including any transfer points or crossover points they might have to navigate. He set his tricorder to leave a marker on their journey so that there would be no way they could get lost or turned around. "It's one thing to climb the seven hundred and thirty steps to the top of the Temple of the Sun, but yet another thing to get from here to the Bridge." He remarked. "Aye Caramba! I hope we can find some useful clues or information we can use. We are clearly in the dark here." He paused then added, "Sorry, no pun intended". He smiled again at Tarlee and headed up the ladder.

The pair climbed up the ladders in what seemed like a slog, it was going to take some time to reach the very top. "Remind me to speak to the designer of the Sovereign about the length of the ship." Tarlee said as he took a moment to catch his breath with the two of them almost halfway.

Alejandro nodded vigorously, "Or at least install like a mini-replicator every so often so one could at least get a cold drink!" He chuckled a bit then looked at his Tricorder. He took several different scans then said, "Well, as my musician friend would say after a long night's gig, "Vamonous". He tried to imagine what the tube would be like in an emergency situation where there might be fire or decompression situations and it made him shudder for a moment. He feared little, but death by drowning or burning could be the stuff of nightmares. He quickly got those thoughts out of his head. "I just hope when we get to the Bridge, we can actually DO something. Asi sea! (So mote it be!)"

"Me too." Tarlee commented as the pair carried on their long climb. They were almost at the top of the Ship when Tarlee noticed the emerge cry lights kicking in. "Wait power must be back up. Emergency Lights are operating in the tubes." He glanced upwards and saw the flickering control panel. "We are at Deck 3 by my best estimation and we can hopefully take a lift to the Bridge."

"Si excellente!!" Alejandro exclaimed, "Let's get out of this tunnel of sweat and to that elevator!" He covered the crewmen ahead him as they made their way out of the Jefferies tube; you could never let your guard down or be caught unprepared! He pulled himself out of the tube and then offered a hand to Tarlee. "Well mi amigo, let's see what there is to see!! Vamanos!"

The two of them headed out of the Tube once they reached the hatchway and proceeded out onto the Deck. The Officers of Gamma Shift were ready to do what they could to help the old girl out.


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