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My sight My Sight

Posted on Tue Aug 7th, 2018 @ 8:06am by Lieutenant Simon Stevens & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri

Mission: Trills and Thrills
Location: Sickbay

After their return from the away mission, Simon had been brought into Sickbay after the cryo tube he had been in had left him blind and not in a good mood to say the least. Had someone done the process wrong when waking him up that had caused the blindness? he sat there waiting for the CMO to attend him and hopefully this was temporary set back in his life. but with his luck so far it might end up with the ocular implants.

Walking over to Simon, Sara placed one of her hands onto his to let him know how close she was, "Lieutenant, how are you feeling?" She asked, reaching over to pick up a tricorder

"I'm fine in my self doc," replied Simon , he continued," But all I can see Doc is a dark blur," and he wanted to know who had opened the cryo tube wrong so he could have them charged. Still he knew that his life had changed because of it and hoped that he would not end up looking like a prized prat.

"Well how about we alow me to have a look at your eyes and see if I can find the problem" she said, pulling out the wand from the tricorder and waving it over both eyes in a horizontal path. "You say that you can see a dark blur, are you able to see any light at all? Can you see basic shapes?"

"All I can see Doc is a Dark blur," replied Simon as he was now getting frustrated and knew that he would have to remain in his quarters or have someone help him from time to time.

Looking at the results as they came through, Sara was confused, "that cannot be correct, stasis should have that sort effect" she said, closing the tricorder, "it would seem that the stasis pod has had an unintended side effect. The entire interior lining of your eyes have been irradiated. The cells are there, they are simply dead. I have only a little experience in this kind of injury but never to this degree of damage. There is nothing I can do to save them"

"Oh Crap," replied Simon as he knew his life had changed for the worse, He asked," So, what are my options then?" as he knew that he was now going

"From what I understand, Starfleet's current medical ability has three options, artificial replacements, a visor linked directly to your brain through implants or organic regeneration. Due to the damage, the third option is not applicable. However, there is an experimental procedure that has been used to limited success in completely replaceing body parts." Sara explained.

"What would you recomend Doc?" asked Simon as he knew either would require the Operation to fit either the Visor or the implants. He finished," I thought the VISOR was not being used no more?" as he had heard other officers having the implants.

"I mearly stated that they were a possibility. My people have very little experience in such things as we embrace the use of genetic engineering to repair such problems" Sara explained as she considered Simon's question, "I believe, at this current time, the implants would be the best option for you. They should prove to be the least disruptive to your work onboard the Victory and they can be implanted relatively easily"

"Then I'll take the Implants," replied Simon as he knew this was going to be a difficult time for him, and having the implants might help him stay in Starfleet, but he continued," I heard the Visor was deemed a Security Risk"

"I'm afraid I am not familiar with the particulars of Starfleet's history with these implants. I will ofcourse do some research on these options, focusing on your choice of implant" Sara responded, "if you wish, we could talk about this with the Chief of Security"

"Might be a good Idea," replied Simon, "But I still would like the ocular implants," he continued as he fidgeted not knowing if he was going to get anywhere in Starfleet now.

“Than that is what you shall receive. I am afraid I cannot fit the implants straight away as they need to be built and to do that I will need to talk to the ship’s chief Engineer” She said, bringing up the ship’s manifest on a nearby console, “I am certain the Commander and myself can build the implants with relative ease. If you wish, you may remain here in sickbay untill the implants are ready or you could return to your quarters”

"If I remain in my quarters I'd need something to help me get about," replied Simon as he knew he would be better off here in sickbay, but the smells of his quarters, he said," Maybe a holo nurse,"

"that is acceptable" Sara replied, setting up the holo nurse to appear in Simon's quarters when he next entered. "are there any particular needs you have that the nurse should know of?"

"Only that I'm blind as a bat," replied Simon, he continued,"and help getting my food from the replicator," as he knew that this was going to be a hindrance for a while, he finished "and my clothes out of the replicator,"

Sara thought for a moment than nodded, "very well, I shall assign a holographic assistant to you for the duration of time untill we can get things cleared up"

"Ok Doc, but how am I going to get back to my quarters?" asked Simon knowing how difficult it was going to be on his own.

Sara smiled, "I shall have one of my nurses help you back to your quarters. Hopefully you wont be waiting long" she said, motioning to one of her nurses to assist Simon.


Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
Chief of Medicine
USS Victory

Lieutenant Simon Stevens
Assisstant Chief of Operations
USS Victory


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