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Movie night

Posted on Mon Sep 3rd, 2018 @ 7:17pm by Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Valeria Mordin & Lieutenant Hel Samedi & Gunnery Sergeant Val Seran

Mission: Trills and Thrills
Location: Cor's quarters
Timeline: Some quiet evening

"Hmph. I must've put on some weight." Hel squirmed a bit in her simple, black dress. "Are my seams straight?" she asked Valeria, turning around to show off.

Valeria seemed to take her time in forming an answer. A suspiciously long time, it seemed, before she answered, "No, it seems alright. They seem straight to me." she replied with a smirk.

"Well, it'll have to do." the pale engineeress mused. "So, Cor has invited us for a movie night. Him, Val Seran, me and you. I've got a specific movie in mind, a very old one, from Earth. More than five hundred years old, even. It has a bit of a back story to it."

"He seems to be getting better, or at least as far as I can see he seems to be healing. I'm thankful he invited us." the rabbitess commented. Though Hel's offer seemed to interest Valeria a bit, "A movie with some history? Do tell."

"On the surface, it's a simple monster movie, in black and white. But this movie is a land mark one. It was made in a country called Japan, less than ten years after two nuclear weapons were used to wipe out two Japanese cities, to end a terrible war." Hel explained, holding up a box containing a shiny disk, and the word 'Gojira' on the box. "This movie is part of the healing process for the Japanese people. It uses a monster born from radiation as metaphor for the nuclear weapons."

Valeria listened, and the parts she didn't like of this history lesson were evident. Fission weapons... how cruel. And to use them against people in their only habitable biosphere? Foolish. Though, Humanity was young then. Young and stupid. "Interesting. To turn your pain and trauma into instruments of healing. Clever." though Valeria's further musing was cut short as they arrived at Cor's door.

"Oh, we're here." Hel mused, ringing Cor's door chime, even as Val Seran rounded the other corner, giving Hel and Valeria a nod. "Hello Val." Hel smiled.

Valeria gave a nod towards the collective Val Seran, and even gave her a simple greeting in the Dalacari tongue. Though, her accent was off, and she was obviously rusty. Though, the thought counted. "It's good to see you."

A pair of headtilts at the Dalacari greeting, along with almost synchronized flicking of two ears. "And you, Lieutenant, Lieutenant." Val Seran offered a pair of smiles at the pair of Lieutenants, though there was still something off about them.

"We're off duty Val. Call me Hel." offered Samedi.

The door slid open and Cordale stood by the entrance, looking better now than he had in the past few times he and Hel had spoken. His fur was brushed, his prosthetic was clean and neat, and there was even an attempt to make his quarters "Company Friendly" as it were. "Hey gang, c'mon in. I set up some extra seats for everyone, so that no butt goes unseated." he said with a chuckle. "It's ... it's really good to see you all. All of you all."

"And you." Hel stepped forward to pull Cor into a hug. She wasn't sure what protocol said about the hugging of a friend in polite company, but neither did she care - Cor was her friend and she didn't care who knew it.

Val Seran smiled softly at the display, an honest smile. "It's good to be among friends."

Hel stepped back, allowing the others room. "Sure is. Here Cor, I brought a classic." as she handed him the movie case. "It's the digital re-remaster of the original."

Cordale took the time, in turn, to greet everyone on his doorstep before he turned his attention to the offered movie case. "T.. that's not just a classic." he said, as though the very existence of that case was impossible. Hel might as well have been holding up a golden idol or a lost chalice. "That started a revolution. That birthed an idea. That... that's a landmark."

After a solid second of inward awe and reflection, he came to his senses. "Oh, umm, c'min. Sorry, I'm blocking the road here." and the Thux took a step to the side to let all bodies involved move in. Valeria took the time to enter, and gently placed a hand on Cor's living shoulder as she passed. "It's good to see you better, Cordale." and the Thux offered her a smile. "Thanks. I'm... I'm getting better, and I might even be good to come back to the job soon. So tell Hel not to get too comfy in my chair." he said with a smirk, turning to look over at the pale Engineer. To Seran, as she entered, Cordale offered her a smile. He knew to a point what she was going through, but at the same time, there wasn't anyone on this ship that could truly know.

Except, of course, for her therapist.

"Find a seat, and we'll load up that beaut' of a movie." he motioned to a set of chairs and some lounge furniture, freshly conjured from the ether via the ship's replicator unit and the root-permission policies of the Chief Engineer station.

"It's good to see you in better spirits, Cor." offered one of Val, with a soft smile. "And thank you for inviting me." spoke the other. "I uhm, did some research, and I think these - " Focus switch, right as one of Val held up a bag and offered it to Cor. Inside were various smaller pouches of snacks. Salty ones, hearty ones, dip sauces for the chips. " - are appropriate accompaniment for a movie night with friends?" finished the other.

In the bustle of everyone going hither and tither, finding a place to seat, Hel plopped her shapely behind down on a two-seater and patpatted the spot next to her for Valeera to join. "First though, we have to break in that coffee percolator, I think. I could do with some coffee myself."

"Not me, thank you." offered Val Seran, one form speaking, the other holding up her hands apologetically. "Coffee doesn't quite agree with the Dalacari constitution." she concluded.

Cordale gave a nod, "I'll set up Sir Perksalot. Though, I kinda figured not everyone would be a coffee head. Honestly, no offense, but I figured you'd be the one asking for tea, Valeria. So, while I don't have a tea kettle, I do have a replicator. Lemme get you something once I set up the idol." he motioned with a flourish. With that, Cordale started to set up the ancient chrome relic. Relic, not in the sense that it was ancient and frail, but Relic in the sense that this was a religious artifact, ancient and mysterious and powerful. From an age of magic and wonder, before the time that science had explained everything and compensated for what it couldn't explain.

Cordale set up Sir Perksalot as though it were made of china and gold. Soon enough, it started to work its magic... transforming water and heat and bean into a magic elixir of strength, speed, and awareness. A potent potion as dark as the space between stars and as strong as a singularity's pull. While that magic was happening, he made his way to the wall replicator. "What can I get you ladies?"

"Black tea for me, please." Valeera offered from her place next to Hel.

"I'll have a coffee. Surprise blend. No sugar, no milk." offered Hel, pulling her legs up underneath herself and leaning against Valeera, in a show of comfort in displaying affection in front of friends.

"Black tea sounds - " Val Seran mused, giving a nod to Valeera. " - nice, to start the evening with."

Valeera gave a soft smile, and put a hand on Hel's as the pale lady laid against her. To his credit, Cordale withstood this for as long as possible before he could only smirk, "You two are adorable." he said with a smirk, and got the tea up for the rabbitess and the Dalacari. Three mugs in total as he distributed the tea. Then, it was time to check on the coffee, and everything was right in the universe. He poured out two mugs, one for himself and one for Hel.

"From the darkest pits of the realms, forged in secret by mystic forces..." he started to wax on with some high fantasy nonsense as he handed Hel her mug with a chuckle. "I'm a goof, I know." and then it was time. "Hel, I'll let you do the honors of starting up the movie for tonight. After all, you did bring it."

"Forged coffee, huh." Hel chuckled, extricating herself from the couch and the rabittess. "By the power granted me, I beseech you, oh great movie of ancient times~" she made a whole ritual out of putting the disc in the player and starting the movie. "Play for us, grant us your visions!" as she sat back down again, re-snuggled, and enjoyed the movie, the company, the coffee and the snacks Val had brought along.

Valeera gave a giggle at the antics before them, "Wait... wait..." and then the rabbitess stood up, cleared her throat, and motioned to the coffee maker with a serious face. She held her hands up before her, and started to speak. The words were in the tongue of the Ts'usugi, but there was weight behind them. Power. Emotion and energy. One after another each word was spoken with gravity that would rival a star.

"Then bring to a boil and serve." she stated at the end, and gave the group a soft smile at her contribution to the fun. Once the 'ritual' was complete, and everyone had their drinks, the movie began.

Hel chuckled at Valeera's antics, which also drew a pair of smiles from Val Seran.

It was awed silence from the Thux as he watched, piecing together both the meaning behind the monster and the technique of the film. Black and White was ancient, but the techniques and the traditions behind it were unique to the time. Any fool can shoot in color, any moron could make 4K or live fidelity happen. It took skill to make monochrome acceptable, nevermind good.

This was good. Then the monster happened.

"This ... this started it all." Cordale said under his breath as he watched.

For Val Seran's part, it took her a moment to get past the 2D, the black and white, the low resolution and the mono sound, but she founds herself invested in the characters and their plight soon enough. She remained respectfully silent, paying twice as much attention to the movie as a Dalacari would need to, to follow it. She had noticed that Cor seemed to regard this movie with a reverence, and wanted to notice every little detail, to find out why.

Hel simply smiled as she watched the movie, glancing over every now and then at her love, at her boss and friend, and at someone she was quickly coming to consider a friend as well, from all she had seen of the Dalacari. Knowing the movie by heart, she took it upon herself to make sure none of the others in the room were ever without drink or snack.

Scene after scene, moment after moment, Cordale was essentially nailed to the screen. It was tough to tell if he had seen it before or not, but he might as well have been watching it for the first time. And in the end, the credits rolled, and Cordale actually gave the film a touch of applause. "Magnificent. Still to this day."

Valeera gave a smirk, "Out of curiosity, Cordale, what film were you planning on showing originally?" and the Thux smirked, "Five Deadly Venoms. Classic kung fu at it's best."

"Don't know that one, will have to check it out some time later." offered Hel. "So, Val, Valeera, what did you think of Gojira?"

"I have questions." Ventured Val "It's clear to see the skill that went into the movie, for its time - " The focus shift was more effortless than it had been for a while, it seemed that Dr. Orin's therapies were working. " - and it's clear the movie was made by people who were trying to work through a great trauma. But, Cor, as the monster first appeared you said 'this started - " and back again. " -it all'. Can you elaborate? I can tell it's an important movie, but what is it's significance?"

Cordale gave a nod, "This is a landmark. Essentially, that means that this film is a major turning point in the history of cinema. The techniques and story elements here would influence movies for years, decades to come. This movie started the concept of the giant monster movie, nevermind all the giant monsters that came before." he started. "Whether they knew what they were doing or not, this movie invented a genre."

Valeera gave a nod, "Plus the powerful message it sends. Gojira was nuclear war personified. The anthropomorphication of what they suffered during one of Earth's larger wars. The way this film ended, with the horror of nuclear power only being defeated with a bigger, more terrible weapon essentially says that violence and war is a cycle, not a timeline. There will always be the next worst thing."

"Unfortunately a very realistic view on war." spoke Hel. "But enough about that. We're here among friends, we're supposed to be having a good time." she smiled. "Val, how are you doing? You're in therapy to get your two minds to cooperate again, right?"

Val gave a pair of nods. "That's one way of saying it, yes. And I'm - " " - doing well, thank you. Doctor Orin's therapy is really working."

Cordale gave a smile at that. "Good to hear. You'll be back on your feet in no time. All four of them. Or .. is it just polite to say two? Honestly, I don't know." he chuckled actually, "In either case, good to hear you're getting better." His own work with the counselor here on the ship was working wonders. He hadn't had the nightmare of shooting Val in over three nights.

"Though, like Hel said, enough talk about war. We're here to watch giant monsters and explosions." he chuckled, and brought up another few movies for selection. "Maybe some of the more light hearted Gojira films next?"

"I'm partial to the various versus Mechagodzilla movies, myself. Though if I can make one request - " Hel made a face. "One without Minilla, please."

"I have no idea what a Minilla is, but, sure, why not." Smiled Val. "And, either is fine, Cor. I do have four feet."


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