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Three Kings

Posted on Fri Mar 4th, 2016 @ 6:10pm by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Bertrand Cuprum

Mission: Vipers and Scoundrels
Location: Cardassian Ship For'ard

OOC: the brief on this post is simple. The Warp engine is irreparable, or at least it will take a number of days to get it to anything above Warp 2. This will mean the Ambassadors on board will need to hitch a lift with us. They need to get to a pirate station fast and can't wait for Iver's ship to be repaired. They do not want to discuss where they are going, as they are currently being blackmailed and members of their family are at risk.

Captin Iver and Xo Impac lead the Elijah, Kevin and Dering further for'ard to a large room that had been set up as a sort of common room adjoining the quarters. There were three people in the room, a human, a Romulan and a Cardasian. Each wore clothing that set them apart from the crew and Kevin immediately recognized the Ambassadors' insignia on them, though the people themselves were unfamiliar.

"Captain Michaels," Iver began, playing the host, "Let me introduce the Ambassadors Collins, Ulan, and Retak."

Collins stood and moved quickly to the Captain, "Ah, Captain Michaels, of the Victory isn't it? So pleased it was a Federation ship which came to our assistance. I know you can be helpful without being invasive. You will understand if the Ambassadors and I are... reluctant to discuss our journey with you?"

Elijah nodded. "I can understand that, but I would have to question why the Ambassador to Illigar IV is on a Cardassian Freighter." The Captain said to him, unlike most Elijah wasn't one for Diplomats from Backwater Mining Worlds. "Travelling with two similar men of ilk."

Kevin watched as the Human Ambassador greeted the Captain and listened to his reply. It had taken the Intel Officer just moments to recognize the man. He was a few years older, there was less and greyer hair, but the voice was the same, it was definitely him. For a few seconds, in his minds eye, Kevin was transported back to his youth at home on Earth. His father was due to help negotiate a Federation outer worlds treaty and Ambassador Collins was the last one to hold back from signing.

Though he wasn't in the room with the men, Kevin had been next door studying, he'd heard raised voices and heated exchanges. There had been a crash and 'tinkle' sound of glass breaking and Kevin had ran out the study to see what had happened. As he did, a man stormed past him in a great hurry, muttering to himself. Kevin's father had then come out into the hallway and stood by his son.

"Is everything ok Father?" Kevin has asked.

"No, no, not really" Kevin's father had answered.

"I heard glass breaking, so I came to see" Kevin replied.

"Yes, our guest was unappreciative at some suggestions put to him, it would seem they didn't meet with 'his' agenda" his father said "Mark my words Kevin, he's going to be the ruin of people one day!"

"Who is he Father?" Kevin asked.

"Ambassador Collins from Illigar IV" his father replied, then patted Kevin's shoulder and returned to the room he'd come out from.

Blinking rapidly, Kevin came back to the present. How the political, social and worldly circles he and his family had moved in were small. He wasn't entirely sure whether he should bring to the Captains attention that he had remembered about the meeting all those years ago.

Collins stiffened at the Captain's question, but it was the Cardassian Retak who responded, "Your presence is welcome, Captain, your questions are not."

The Romulan, Ulan, muttered, "The welcome of his presence is far from certain."

Collins rallied, "Come now. The Captain here will fix our engines and we will be on our way."

"Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil....the politicians triumvirate" Kevin said in a low sighing tone.

The Cardassian Retak took up the litany, "I prefer 'Don't ask, don't tell', myself."

"More like the blind leading the blind," Kevin replied.

Elijah didn't totally like being left in the dark, but he knew that Politics was a dirty business. "I have my Engineer and Operations Officer working out n it as we speak."

As if in response to the statement his ComPin chimed.

=A= Bertrand to Captain Michaels. Cor says we can have Warp two in five days. =A=

"Thank you Commander, keep me informed." Elijah said pressing his Commbadge.

Romulan Ambassador Ulan exploded, "Five Days! we can't waste five more hours sitting here in this mistake."

"Perhaps if you were to get out and push?" Retak suggested.

Collins was watching Elijah closely, "There might be another option..."

"Of course there will be" Kevin replied with mock surprise "it's not like politicians don't already have plans B, C, D, E and F at hand.....just in case...."

"How refreshing," Retak responded, "to meet such a comprehensive expert in politics. This man's faith in us, and our ability to plan, makes me want to be a better person."

"The things is, I do know my way around the political scene Ambassador" Kevin replied, looking at Retak "I've been involved in it most of my life, like my father before me, his father before him, and several generations of my family before that. I have a unique insight to be able to see situations from 'both' sides, both from the policies and implementation views, and then to be able to make an informed judgment. Please don't be mistaken that my age means I know nothing, if anything, I can match you policy issue for policy issue, incremental debate for incremental debate and interplanetary law issue for interplanetary law issue. I may wear the uniform of Starfleet Intelligence now, but my grounding is in politics, which I know back to front, upside down and inside out, especially when Ambassadors throw fits and break their hosts property when they don't get their way..." he finished, looking at Ambassador Collins.

"What is the other option?" Elijah asked in an attempt to make peace between the two sides.

"Well, we can begin with some transparency Captain" Kevin replied "with the Ambassadors explaining to us why it's so important that we get them on their way so quickly."

Collins pointedly ignored the Lieutenant, "Captain, I would like to request transport for myself and my two colleagues to a starbase near here. It is outside Federation jurisdiction, lying in an area of space that is not claimed or patrolled by and racial group."

"It is of no strategic value," Ulan put in.

"Except to us," Retak added. "The interest is of an... unofficial nature."

"As such," Collins continued, "this is not an official request, but a personal one. You are not under orders to take us. However, the personal gratitude of a number of influential people is not something to be dismissed out of hand."

Finally he glanced at Kevin, "I do not doubt your Intelligence officer will be itching and demanding more information, Intelligence always does, but I am not willing to discuss the matter until you agree to take us. I can assure you, your assistance is only required to transport us to the station in question."

"As with most people's misconceptions of the Intel community Ambassador Collins" Kevin began "you make assumptions on that which you know little, or nothing at all. I'm not looking to be demanding, I'd rather just be cautious. What I do is offer my council to the Captain here with the information I have at hand, nothing more, nothing less" he finished.

"Nothing to compromise your fine Starfleet sensibilities," Retak offered, "unfortunately. I know the young Lieutenant was looking forward to being disapproving of us."

Kevin looked at Retak "Oh, I wasn't looking forward to being disapproving of you all Ambassador Retak. In order to do that, I'd have to have been approving of you in the first place" he said ended with a smile.

"My mistake," Retak replied with the same smile.

"This is the fabled Federation open minded, non-judgmental nature, I see," Ulan growled.

"Gentlemen, PLEASE," Collins barked. "Everyone is anxious to be underway as soon as possible. Antagonizing the Captain and his crew will not help that."

Ulan nodded, "True. I apologize."

Collins turned again to Elijah, "Well, Captain. Would you be willing to give us a lift?"

Elijah looked at the two men arguing. "I am more than willing to accommodate you." He said though with a note of caution. "Though I will not allow squabbling on my Ship, do that in your own time." He said looking at Kevin and Retak.

Kevin was about to point out that he wasn't squabbling, simply speaking his thoughts, but decided against it. He would hasten to believe that his intimate knowledge of politics, politicians and policies was greater than most people onboard the Victory, however, there was more to this situation than met the eye. He had a gut feeling the three Ambassadors were withholding something, there was just to much urgency in their candor about needing to be on their way to this space station. He had a feeling the Captain and the Commander had come to that decision as well, but there was a deeper sense of requirement, not necessity, that Collins, Ulan and Retak got onto the Victory fast.

He had probed without asking direct questions of the Ambassadors, and he felt happy with the responses he'd managed to provoke, it gave him what he needed. Now it was a question of what the Captain would do once the Ambassadors were onboard the Victory and on their way. He wouldn't openly offer the CO his services as a political tactician, that would make him look boorish, rather, he would simply wait to find out if his advice and council would be sought.

Turning to the Captain he simply replied "Yes Sir, my apologies."

"How disappointing," Retak replied looking hurt. "I do enjoy a good squabble, and these two are so conciliatory. It is nice to find someone with a real moral fiber and some genuine ire to work against. Still, I will be a respectful guest, Captain."

Collins turned to the Cardassian Captain, "If you would be so good to transport our cargo to the Victory..."

"But, you said..." The captain began to protest, but Retak cut him off.

"Surely a former Gul knows how to give and TAKE orders, Captain Iver."

The Cardassian Captain glowered but nodded his ascent and turned to his other officer, "See to it. We'll make our own way home."

With the plan of action changed all of the Crew reassembled and the guests all set, it was time to press on. Whatever was in the Cargo hold was beamed aboard along with the Crew.

Time to get moving.


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