Tea time
Posted on Wed Mar 9th, 2016 @ 9:42am by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Bertrand Cuprum
Mission: Vipers and Scoundrels
Bertrand's shoulder was aching. There were three ways of combating that. One was to have a complete medical clean up and reboot. Another was to drown his pain centers in alcohol. His current prefered method involved lots of greasy food which he claimed (without any medical evidence to support it) helped "lubricate" the joints.
"One large American Hotdog with sauce and mustard and hot potato chips with chicken salt."
He had decided to eat in the officer's mess rather than ten forward. He was still a little embarrassed and troubled at how easily he had 'fallen off the wagon'.
The replicator buzzed as it assembled the molecules into the indulgence Bertrand planned. He lifted the tray and scanned the room for an empty seat. He noticed the Co sitting and eating alone and moved over to him.
"Can I join you, sir?" he asked.
The Captain nodded. "By all means, Commander, pull up a seat." Elijah smiled as he put his PADD down onto the table. "You look like you tried out drinking a Klingon......You lost."
Bertrand grimaced, as he sat, "Unfortunately the only drinking contest I lost was to myself. I am... taking steps to avoid repeated incident. Believe me the Chief of Security has already come down on me very heavily for my indelicacy in the matter."
He rotated his shoulder to try and loosen it up some more before taking a large bite of the hotdog.
"You didn't come to the celebration slash unwind after the last mission. Did you not hear about it, or is this a 'maintaining professional aloofness' thing?"
Elijah shook his head. "Unfortunately given the nature of what went on last time, I had to be vetted and debriefed by both SFI and Command." The Captain commented. "After all Zombies and fabricated contagions cannot be left unchecked."
Bertrand ground his teeth for a moment and took a big bite of the hotdog. With his mouth full he mumbled, "There are a large number of people on this ship who feel they owe a black eye to that Admiral and SFI for dropping us in this. The crew that were not directly involved know something bad happened and are uneasy, but they don't know why. I'd say this crew needs a win and soon."
"Scuttlebutt is a dangerous thing Commander." Elijah chuckled. "But I would say the Admiral situation was personal until my Crew got dragged into it." The Captain looked towards the Betazoid Commander and with a straight face. "We will resolve this one day."
Bertrand nodded and returned to his food.
The two of them continued their informal chit chat.