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At a Dizzying Pace

Posted on Fri May 1st, 2015 @ 11:53pm by Ensign Moriloth
Edited on on Fri May 1st, 2015 @ 11:57pm

Mission: Now Boarding.......
Location: Stardock Commons
Timeline: Current


It could be well said that quarreling was the Tellarite national sport. The problem was, however, aggressiveness with strangers could precipitate very unpredictable results. Such was the case in an encounter at the space docks.

Impatient Tellarite workers had crossed paths with a human. At least, that's what the customary introductory scan indicated. It was no problem. They knew how to interact with humans... most of them. Misunderstanding, however, bloomed into outrage. The argumentative little men believed that they were the target of relentless disrespect and insult.

Before them stood a small young woman, by human standards. She dressed in a white, veil-like enshroudment. Nobody remembered what started the argument, probably some sort of off comment. The girl, however, conversed in a bizarre manner. She spoke as though she was talking to people who weren't really there. In the Tellarite eye, to be given less attention than a non-existent person amounted to supreme degradation. It amounted to playing 'let's pretend' with people who desired honest forthrightness.

If the matter had involved Klingons, then Starfleet security would be beaming in within moments of the first punch. The problem was, however, that everyone was completely accustomed to Tellarite conflicts. Heated exchanges were normal. Nobody realized that something was really wrong until they spotted three of them collapsed to the floor. Among them, the enshrouded human sat on the floor, cross legged.

The first security guard to arrive approached with wide eyes. The Tellarites writhed on the floor, "Stop it! Stop it! Make it stop!" Another wrenched from the nausea. The third had passed out.

The girl, though, sat there staring at them with curiosity. A small trickle of blood issued from the side of her forehead.

Alarmed, the guard asked, "What happened?"

She tipped her head, staring at the victim in front of her, "That one pushed me. I fell and bumped my head."

"Okay, okay, but what's happening now? What did you do to them?"

She held up a hand disk, "This." She pressed the button, causing the Tellarite to scream in torment. There were no beams. There were not audible effects. If it was a weapon, then it wasn't the kind which base sensors were programmed to detect.

"Okay, Miss..." He noticed a fleet ensign's pip pinned to her garb. "Ensign, you need to stop! I understand that you're injured, but you need to stop now!" The guard made a mistake. He drew his phaser. She would have been happy to calmly discuss the matter with him, but this physical threat provoked her. She pressed the disk again, and the guard collapsed to the floor and threw up. "What are you doing?"

"I am defending myself."

Severe dizziness incapacitated him, "What is that? Have you poisoned me?"

"No, silly. That would be mean of me. This is a resonating gravity field." She gave the Tellarites another shot to keep them down. "It vibrates the tiny sensory hairs inside your cochlea, causing extreme vertigo." She then shot him again with the invisible gravity.

"Stop it!"

She shook her head, quietly responding, "I don't want you to shoot me."

More people came into view, quickly becoming alarmed. Well, not everyone. One Klingon found the spectacle to be rather amusing. As an agitated crowd began to gather, the girl began to feel nervous. She had an idea. She tapped at an ornate wrist communicator. "I am Ensign Moriloth calling to USS Victory. I have been assaulted. Please help me?" She didn't know if the starship was even active at the moment, let alone prepared to provide assistance.

Moments later, stardock security beamed in, weapons drawn. They aimed their weapons, "All right! Nobody move!" The squad leader tapped his combadge, "Control! I need containment-"

It was too late. A starship transporter beam snatched the seated girl away.

"Control, I need a medical team here! And we need to trace a beam out!"

From inside the matter stream, Moriloth could hear voices.
"Identity confirmed... Ensign Moriloth is assigned to this ship."
"Initial diagnostic indicates non-critical injuries."
"I don't know what she's holding... some sort of tool."
"Notifying Sickbay."
"Bring her in."

After materializing, Moriloth tried to get up, but she stumbled. Still a little dazed from the bump to her head, she dropped back down again. The transporter technician hurried over to assist. "Don't worry, Ensign. Medics are on their way. You're okay, now." He tapped his combadge, "Transporter Two here, beam in was successful."

Moriloth was quite content to forget about what had just transpired. Being on a starship intrigued her. "Borla, we're here!"

The T-tech looked puzzled, "Who's Borla?"

Her assistant shook her head, "Head injury. She must be delirious."


Ensign Moriloth
USS Victory
Pegasus Fleet


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