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Time for Your Shots

Posted on Thu May 4th, 2017 @ 9:16pm by Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri

Mission: The Trial of Cor Cordale
Location: Primary Medical
Timeline: After the senior staff meeting

The Thux made his way to Sickbay, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. In his prosthetic limb, he held a strap of fabric and a small cube, perhaps two inches in length on a side. As he entered Medical proper, he turned to the attending nurse at the front station and gave her a smirk, "Cor Cordale, here for my planetary inoculation shot." he held up the objects in his hand: A blindfold, and a small box with what looked like a speaker on it. "I came prepared. They warned about side effects. So who's going to be administering the shot today?"

"That would be me commander" Sara said, walking over from the lab station, "although my staff is more than qualified, this is my serum and its specifically tailored to each species. If the mix is off by mearly 0.02% it could be fatal to the paitent. So, which patch of fur can you do without for a little while?"

"Yeah, let's avoid fatal shots." he said with a jovial smirk. Seemed rather easy going. "Hmm, how big a patch we talkin? Cause as criminal as it would be to deny folks their favorite blue fur, it's for a good cause so, let's go..." and he thought about it. Where would a bald patch look the LEAST silly. Paws? No, he usually went around barefoot except in dangerous regions. Tail? Possible. Back? Well he hardly went around shirtless, but with his miner's physique that was really the true crime. Back of the neck.


"Underside of the tail, maybe? Somewhere out of casual sight." and he reached and brought his thick tail around for inspection. "It's not very waggy, but it's a great counterbalance."

Flipping open her medical tricorder, Sara scanned the tail in great detail. After a moment, she nodded, "yes, this will do nicely, you have a nice vain running close to the surface for me to access" she said, preparing the hyposprey while one of the nurses shaved a small 10mm square patch from the man's tail

"Before I give you this injection, I might recommend that you lay down. The effects can be rather......realistic" Sara cautioned

He gave a nod, and then motioned to the two items Here brought with him. "Blindfold and white noise cube. I'm not gonna play the I've Seen Terrible Things game, but there are some Things I'd rather not see again. So i hope you don't think me afraid when i just wanna black out for a bit." he smirked despite the subject matter.

As she shaved a little square away he chuckled as he laid down and put on the blindfold, "It'll grow back, right?" he chucked as he asked.

Sara frowned as she moved to tie the blindfold over the man's eyes, "yes your fur will grow back. I feel I should tell you that blinding yourself may not stop you from seeing things"

He gave a nod, "It's not to stop them. It's so i don't confuse real with hallucination." it was a thin veil of a reason, and there was a hint of concern in his voice. He was worried about what he'd see. Moments passed, no effect. Maybe he dodged a bul...

His whole form stiffened. A gasp caught in his throat.

"S... Sil? Cal?" he spoke low, turning his head to one side.

Sitting beside the man's biobed, Sara chose to take this opportunity to study the effects of hallucinations on a non-human species. Triggering the biobed to begin scanning Cor's body, Sara watched as the readings came though.

Elevated heart rate, heightened adrenaline production, rapid breathing... standard fight or flight responses.

"W.. what are you guys doing here?" he continued to converse with ghosts that only he could see and hear. "What do you mean you brought the Pork Chop, she's in the shop." the conversation continued, as he reached up to put his living hand on a shoulder that wasn't there in this world. His readings started to actually normalize, at least the fear responses. The inoculation continued to spread through his system normally, but that's mostly cardiovascular work and the Thux heart was a powerful heart.

Especially when startled.

"Doc... if you're there. I ... I think it's alright to take the blindfold off. Just, just a few old friends visiting. I'd introduce you but, well, they're long since passed away." he said softly. Upon inspection there were two mysterious damp spots on the blindfold around where his eyes would be, and two damp patches of fur around his eyes when the blindfold was removed. Must have been dusty fabric.

Taking the blindfold off, Sara carefully folded it and placed beside the biobed, "there you go. If you need me I'll be near by"

"Thanks." Cordale said, his eyes red from space dust or something. Certainly not tears. Nope. "I was so psyched up for monsters or acting loopy or getting violent. I never in a million years expected this. A chance to see my brothers again, proper... well sorta." he chuckled, then turned to his hallucinations. "Could you answer me one question? These side effects, could you..." and he paused, "No, nevermind no. I was gonna ask if you could do this again. These effects again but I don't want to be *addicted* to seeing my long dead brothers. Out of the corner of my eye? Sure. Nightmares in tunnels? Used to it. This... this could be habit forming."

He took a breath, "I'll just... enjoy this moment while it lasts." a pause, then a chuckle, "Yeah Sil, laugh it up."

"As your medical chief, I would not recommend trying to induce a hallucinogenic state without proper supervision. However, with that said, I've heard that a group of people from earth use technology to go on 'spirit journeys'. Maybe one of them could help you" Sara explained, turning her attention back to the display screen

"No no, I know she's right. Getting high just to see you guys again ain't right, and it ain't worth it." a pause from the Thux, "Hey hey, I got the message. Don't be a slave to the feelings, yeah I heard you guys straight the first time. Sheesh." he then turned to Sara, "Sil's the brains. He thinks he's so clever. Yeah yeah, I heard you. And hey what did you mean 'no spirit walking dreamcatcher bullsh'... bull crap for me. Hey you be nice. Humans are good folks, you'd like them."

Cordale paused, then turned to Sara again, "This isn't like him, he's usually so calm and easy going."

"I'm sure he is" Sara said, programming the console to save the data to her personal drive

"I'll tell you about him sometime." a pause, "When he's not looming over my shoulder. Yeah, you should remember that." he said with a chuckle before turning back to the doctor. "When this is done, like all this... remind me. I'll tell you stories."

"I would enjoy hearing them Commander" Sara replied, leaving him to his friends.


Lt. Commander Cor Cordale


Lieutenant Sara T'eseri


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