The Trial of Cor Cordale

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission
Description Niron 5 has offered its Federation Allies the use of its highly advanced shipyards right on the border of Jennari space. The USS Victory is dispatched to negotiate the terms. While there an act of industrial terrorism threatens to destroy a city. The Nironeese government and UFP orders the crew to withdraw to a safe distance but Cor says he is able to save thousands of lives. Do the crew jeopardize the new alliance and the Prime Directive by interfering? Can Cor actually do what he hopes he can? Who will the crew side with?
Start Date Thu Apr 6th, 2017 @ 7:54pm
End Date Fri Jun 2nd, 2017 @ 7:54pm

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Title Timeline Location
Well souled.
by Captain Elijah Michaels
Current. Captain's Ready Room
A time to reflect
by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Captain Elijah Michaels
XO's Quarters
The Book of the Thux
by Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor
Morality be damned
by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Cor Cordale
Captains Ready Room.
by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Ishan Satele & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Hel Samedi & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri & Captain Allen Jones & Lieutenant JG Scotty Kayne
USS Victory Bridge
Nothing Else Mattress
by Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Hel Samedi
Hel's quarters
Meeting of the brass
by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant JG Elliot Keller & Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Hel Samedi & Lieutenant Valeria Mordin
Presidium Command deck
Making an apology
by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri & Captain Allen Jones
USS Victory
Engineering Tour
by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evans & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Hel Samedi & Lieutenant Valeria Mordin
Presidium Engineering deck
The Restless wait.
by Warrant Officer Felix Kilvarn & Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri & Captain Allen Jones & Lieutenant JG Scotty Kayne
USS Victory - Bridge
Arrival to Victory *Backpost*
by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Christopher Evans
Ready Room
Shuttle to the ground
by Commander Bertrand Cuprum
Current. Nipon 5 Shuttle craft.
Strategic Operations Meeting *Backpost*
by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Tarlee
Strategic Operations Office
Where Dignity and Medicine Cross
by Lieutenant Valeria Mordin & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
After the senior staff meeting Primary Medical
Time for Your Shots
by Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
After the senior staff meeting Primary Medical
[Backpost] Tensions and inoculations
by Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Ishan Satele & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
Face to face with the Nironese
by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Hel Samedi
Presidium, Orbit of Niron 5
Not so much dirty, as filthy, less than half dozen (Backpost).
by Captain Allen Jones
Current Security department training drills.
Technical talks
by Captain Elijah Michaels & Lieutenant Valeria Mordin
12:00 hours two hours after the briefing Sciences Office, Deck 7
Have you ever had a nightmare...
by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Commander Cor Cordale
Before mission, after inoculations Engineering
Literary workout
by Lieutenant Hel Samedi & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor
Slight backpost, before arrival at Presidium Gymnasium
Ghosts of the past
by Captain Allen Jones & Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
Victory Medical
Of blue, coffee and waffles
by Lieutenant Hel Samedi & Commander Cor Cordale
Slight backpost, before arrival at Presidium
by Lieutenant Hel Samedi & Captain Elijah Michaels
Slight backpost, to before the ship leaves
Arriving at Presidium.
by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri & Captain Allen Jones & Lieutenant JG Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant Valeria Mordin
16:00 hours Bridge, USS Victory

Mission Summary

Niron 5 is, for the most part, a highly advanced and well ordered society. However, a politically volatile faction, the "White hand" is causing unrest and preventing the Nironeese form becoming full UFP members.

Even so, The Nironeese government recognizes the advantage of having Federation help them hold of the advancing Jenarri on their borders, so they offer the use of an advanced orbital shipyard for repairs, refit and R&R of crews. The USS Victory is sent to negotiate terms.

While there Cor is being given a tour of the facilities which is far advanced from anything he has seen, even in the Federation. While he is on the tour a White Hand operative detonates a device which kills the engineering team and nearly takes Cor with it.

The Orbital stabilizers are destroyed and the facility is beginning to loose stability. Projected crash site is the middle of a densely populated city. Cor and the rest of the crew are told by the locals they should evacuate to their ship, but Cor believes he may be able to stabilize the station.

They are blocked by armed security who will not let aliens into the site of a crime scene, for their own protection. This way there can be no suspicion of their involvement. UFP Diplomats agree that the best course of action is to just withdraw.

When they push, they are told, at gun point, that Aliens are not permitted to work on the Facility and a team of replacement engineers are en route (though their arrival time will be too late to save the station).

The crew must decide to either attack and force their way into the engineering bay in the hope that Cor can stabilize the station and save thousands, or abandon the station and leave it and the locals to die.

If they choose to force the issue, the Niponeese will thank them, and then inform them that there can no longer be any agreement between them as they cannot trust the Federation to respect their sovereignty.

If they do withdraw they watch the fiery death of thousands but the Niponeese are able to agree to terms, including accepting relief aide from arriving Federation ships.