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Arriving at Presidium.

Posted on Tue Apr 25th, 2017 @ 3:07pm by Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant Commander Ziyal Tajor & Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri & Captain Allen Jones & Lieutenant JG Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant Valeria Mordin

Mission: The Trial of Cor Cordale
Location: Bridge, USS Victory
Timeline: 16:00 hours

Elijah sat in his chair as the Victory dropped out of warp on the border of Nironese Space. He looked around the Bridge and could sense the Staff were a little nervous.

"Mister Kilbane please contact the Nironese Security and ask for permission to approach the Presidium." Elijah said with a nod to Kilbane.

Kevin nodded back and as his hands moved over his console he replied "Aye Sir, contacting Nironese Security now."

With a nod the Captain looked at Helm. "Lieutenant Kayne begin your approach, One Quarter Impulse."

"Aye, sir, slowing to One Quarter Impulse." Kanye replied.

Elijah nodded as he pressed the keys on his chair to bring the Presidium up on the view screen. "Now lets see this famed Presidium shall we?"

Ziyal watched from her console on the bridge. The presidium was huge, most shipyards had perhaps a dozen drydocks. However, the presidium had hundreds. Most of them were the smaller, type one. However, it had a very healthy number of type two and over a dozen of the largest, type three. All of them spread out before them as they came in on approach. Ziyal was impressed.

"Bloody hell." Elijah commented as he took in the scope of Presidium. "You could house an entire fleet here and still have room to spare."

"Nironese Security have acknowledged our communication and given us permission to approach the Presidium Sir" Kevin reported to Elijah.

"Acknowledged." Elijah said as he directed the Crew to carry on.

"It could do with a bit of a bit of a wash and a lick of paint" Kevin said as he looked at the Presidium on the view screen.

Bertrand had been reading up and he now identified key features, "The arrays are connected by platforms which supply power, and personnel access to all sites from the central facility. You can see the Gravitational Stacks there that keep the whole structure aloft. The engineering that must have gone into those alone is staggering. There is no direct link to the surface, but you can see one of the shuttle's there. They run every hour or so, but it takes an hour for their shuttles to travel from the structure to the city below. Apparently the Gravity Stacks play havoc with transporters, so we have to use the hard point connectors or shuttles."

"I can take my team directly to the surface now, before we get too close, or we can ride their shuttle to get a feel for the whole process. What do you think, Kilbane?"

"Personally, I think we should ride the shuttle, Sir" Kevin replied "We may as well, as you say, get a feel for the whole process."

"Agreed," Bertrand nodded. "No one is to take side arms. We are here as a diplomatic mission and you don't take guns to a welcoming reception. That goes especially for any teams who are on the surface dealing with civilians."

He glanced at the Captain, "Remember when Starfleet's slogan was, 'We come in peace'? No of course you don't. That's what you get for putting kids in charge of starships. No one remembers what is important."

Valeria had seen her share of Starbases and Shipyards before. From vast and impressive, to dark and utilitarian. This, was a mix of the two. Splendid, vast, impressive, and efficient. A combination not often seen outside of her home Empire. She felt it a little rude, comparing something out here to the majesty of home. Nothing ever really quite could compare.

At Kevin's suggestion, she almost jumped on the proverbial bandwagon a little too fast. "A shuttle ride would be better. For aesthetics, as well as the sense of a tour."

Elijah nodded. "Agreed. Surface team will use the Shuttle, Presidium Team and Myself will use the Transporter."

"'Fraid not, sir." Bertrand corrected. "With those Generators in action, there is no transporting to and from the station. It'll either need to be shuttle or hardpoint docking."

Limping her way onto the bridge, Sara was still feeling the effects of Bertrand's little spat down in sickbay. Making her way to one of the secondary science stations, she turned to Elijah, "If I may captain, I believe it would be better for me to stay here on the ship until I have completely recovered. I don't believe that it would give a good impression if your chief of medicine suddenly gave their station a new porthole."

"Affirmative." Elijah said to Sara. "Right then shall we?" He asked getting up and looking at the Bridge Crew. "Remember we shall observe the full Diplomatic protocols with the Nironese Government and respect their rights and traditions."

AJ didn't have much to say this whole time as he took in the busyness of the bridge and the massive size of the new station. As the Captain got up, AJ took his queue to come toward the center chair. "My men have recovered and are on standby if needed. I will try to keep the Vic in one piece", he said with a smile.

The Captain gave AJ a smile and placed his hand on his shoulder. "The Bridge is yours Captain Jones." Elijah proceeded to the Turbolift and then turned back. "Mister Kayne I do believe you have a new Chair waiting for you." He grinned motioning to the vacant XO Seat.

As Elijah headed to the lift AJ added. "Good luck, Cap. This could be what we need to turn the tide in this conflict." AJ hoped this went well.

"Good luck, sir, we won't be able to beam you back, so I would recommend putting a shuttle on standby, just in case." Kayne said

"Noted." Elijah said as he agreed.


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