Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2016 @ 1:49am by Commander Bertrand Cuprum
If I told you...
Location: Infected Starbase
OOC: Okay, this is a fast wrap up and there will be a chance to debrief in the next post. Sorry if this feels rushed, I know most people are keen to see this resolved and moved on.
As the team stepped out into the corridor they found Kevin and his partner. They had weapons drawn, but as far as anyone knew they had just been guarding the corridor.
The large group moved at a half run back towards the shuttle bay, pausing only to briefly put any resistance out of action. Even so the going was painfully slow as the self-destruct count down ticked over.
At D-4:50 minutes they heard weapons fire. They moved cautiously to the Shuttlebay to find a war zone. People in Starfleet Hostile Environment suits were laying down heavy fire from modified flame weapons. A rotary pulse phaser had been mounted at the door of the runabout and putting out enough fire power to put down the wall of "undead" until the flamer crews could get to them.
In the cockpit, Satele spotted the team and called instructions to the Marines. A blanket of cover fire opened a path to allow the group through and onto the Runabout. Behind them the Marines held position till all were on board and then pulled back sealing the hatch.
Bertrand did a head count as people came on board. "We lost 13 marines, 5 security officers and Nurse Chance. Unless anyone has something they need to do or say before we get out of here I say punch it."
The Runabout ripped a text book hot launch and sped back towards the Victory. As it approached Mickey was watching the timer from the bridge. there window to leave was ticking dangerously low, but he refused to give the order till the Runabout was on board.
There was a beep on his panel as the Shuttle bay registered the ship's arrival. Mickey gave the order and the Victory turned and fled ahead of an impressive explosion. Within the space of ten seconds, all trace of the base was reduced to an expanding cloud within the cloudy nebula.
As the door to the Runabout was about to open Smith stood up to speak.
"I know that many of you are angry and upset about what happened on the station. I know most of you will dismiss it when I say there was good reason for doing all of this. I will convene a de-brief at the Captain's leisure so you have a chance to voice all of your concerns and grievances. These will be recorded and taken back to SFI, along with reports on your individual performance and conduct during the mission."
"Also, you need not fear infection from the gas I released. It was the second cylinder on the test cage, not the one containing the R47W."
"Finally a reminder that you are still bound by SFI non-disclosure and may not discuss this mission with anyone, including crewmates who have not been part of it."
With that, and apparently oblivious to the burning hatred in some of the crew's eyes Smith stepped out of the Runabout.