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Getting the info

Posted on Tue Jan 19th, 2016 @ 1:31am by Commander Bertrand Cuprum & Captain Elijah Michaels & Commander Cor Cordale & Lieutenant JG Elliot Keller & Johnathen Wade

Mission: If I told you...
Location: R47W Science Lab

Cor and Honey moved quickly to recover copies of encrypted data and download them onto their tricorders. Bertrand and the remaining Marine were at the door guarding it while Sela and Sinclair were guarding Smith. Keller, Wade and Bartlett watched over the whole group.

"Okay. Good news... we're getting something. Bad news... it's encrypted to hell and back. It'll take forever to decrypt it without the codes." Cor said in a growl.

"When we return to the ship, I will give you the appropriate decryption protocol," Smith supplied. "You will have all your answers then."

From one corner, Hood was watching the injured marine. His condition was worsening and he was beginning to groan. His lesions were refusing to heal with a dermal re-generator.

"We've got to get him to a medical facility where I can treat him better. Hie wounds aren't closing, he's almost going into shock."

The lighting suddenly change to red and panels around the room lit up. A Klaxon sounded, accompanied by a computerized voice, "Self Destruct initiated. T minus 10 minutes."

Cor turned towards Smith with a look that just said 'Really?'

Smith seemed unsurprised, "That was a little quicker than I anticipated. I think we have everything we need. Time to head back to the Shuttle bay."

"In case you were not paying attention," Bertrand growled, "the shuttle bay has been over run. We don't have the fire power to re-take it."

Smith gave a tight lipped smile, "I am sure that a contingent of Marines will, even now, be re-taking the shuttle bay by force, is that not so, Captain Sinclair? 'Leave no one behind'? Your crew seemed quite adamant on that when we were at our initial briefing."

"With respects..." Cordale said as he started to pack up the computer slicing equipment, "... when we say No One Left Behind, we usually mean the crew."

The Thux then turned to Bertrand, "With the system how it is, I don't think I can stop this. Not without his help, and he doesn't seem to be up to helping anyone, except himself."

"Bertrand ground his teeth. His skin itched. There was something he was missing here, "Priority 1 is the information and our away team. All other Priorities are rescinded. Let's get us all back to the..."

There was a roar and Derring leapt back as the injured Marine rose to his feet in and lunged forward.

"Oh Shit!" Sergeant H'rothkin shouted as he turned around to see the Marine rise up. The Andorian quickly raised his sidearm. "Contact!"

With out a second though Jack raised his pistol and put one of his specialized rounds straight through the undead Marine's skull, the bullet fragmenting inside so no back splatter occurs. "Anyone else injured?"

Bertrand had fought the Borg, and knew there were times when you had to kill your own people who were to far gone. It never made it easier.

"I doubt any one will admit to it, given your gentle bed side manner," he offered acerbically. "Now, given Smith's little stunt, we are all due to go the way of Private Carstairs there if we don't get back to the Victory. With your permission commander," he deferred to Michelle, "We need to get moving now. Jack and I will take point. Cor, bring up the rear, please."


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